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Buyer Quick Start Guide | Purchase Plus Help Documents

Buyer Quick Start Guide

In this section, we will show you how to start raising Requisitions, sending Purchase Orders, Receive Goods and Invoicing accordingly.

Written by The Customer Success Team
Updated over a week agoThe Customer Success Team

Step 1. Raise a Requisition

To start the ordering process, you need to raise a Requisition which is an order request to your department's approver(s.) There are several types of requisitions you can create, depending on how and what you want to order.

Create a Requisition from a Buy List
A Buy List is a pre-made list of your favourite products. Using this type of Requisition allows you to request goods from multiple Suppliers at once, as well as giving you price comparison on products.

Create a Requisition from a Supplier’s Catalogue
Use this type of Requisition to order directly from a Supplier's catalogue. This could be from a Marketboomer Supplier who uploads and maintains their products and prices in Purchase Plus, or from a Self-managed pricing catalogue, which you create and maintain an Informal (non-Marketboomer) Supplier.

Create an Informal Requisition
Use this type of Requisition if the Supplier(s) you want to order from do not have any kind of Catalogue on Purchase Plus. This is the equivalent of a blank Purchase Order.

If you are waiting for a Requisition to be approved, you can View the Next Requisition Approver.

Step 2. Approve the Requisition

Approve the Requisition
Now the Requisition has been created, it needs to be approved by the relevant person(s) before turning into a Purchase Order, or, multiple Purchase Orders if multiple Suppliers were included in the Requisition. If you are an Approver for your department, Purchase Plus will take you straight to the approval screen after submitting your Requisition. 

Step 3. Send the Purchase Order(s)

Send Purchase Orders
The Requisition has now become a Purchase Order(s) which needs to be sent to the Supplier. Some users may have Purchase Orders set to auto-send, in which case, can skip this step.
Note: If it's the first time you are sending a Purchase Order to a Supplier in Purchase Plus, we recommend calling to check the Purchase Order was received successfully.

Step 4. Receive Goods

Receive Goods against a Purchase Order
When you receive your order, you need to mark the goods as "received" in Purchase Plus so your accounting department knows the invoice can be paid.

Note: If your organisation is using the Inventory module of Purchase Plus, you will also need to Receive Goods to Inventory

Step 5. Invoices

There are 2 ways you can receive invoices in Purchase Plus. Your Supplier can send PDF invoices to your Paperless Invoice Email address. Your invoices will arrive directly into Purchase Plus. If your Supplier sends paper or PDF invoices, or you will need to Create a Manual Invoice against a Purchase Order.

Invoices that match a Purchase Order will automatically go through the 3 way matching process between the Purchase Order, Goods Received Note and Invoice. 

Approve Flagged Invoices
If the invoice fails the 3-way match, the Invoice will be "Flagged" for further approval.

Process Reconciled Invoices
If all three documents match within the set thresholds, the Invoice will go straight to the Reconciled invoice section ready to be processed.

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