Send Purchase Orders

In this section we will show you how to send Purchase Orders

If your Purchase Orders are not set to auto-send, you will need to send them in Purchase Plus. (Please see 'Set Purchase Orders to Auto-Send' if you would like to see if your account is set up for this feature)

This guide is for those Purchase Orders that have been created, but not yet sent. In order to first create a Purchase Order, you can use one of the following guides to get started:

Create a Requisition from a Supplier’s catalogue

Create a Requisition from a Buy List

Creating an Internal Requisition

Note - Even if you have deselected the [Send to Supplier] check-box, you still need to send the PO. This lets Purchase Plus know that the order has been placed.

1. Go to [Documents] - [Purchase Orders] then select the [Not Sent] tab. 

2. Click on the [Paper Plane] icon to send the orders individually. Alternatively, you can use the checkboxes to select multiple Purchase Orders, then click the [Send] button.

3. Also view the help guide Consolidate Purchase Orders.