Create a requisition from a Supplier’s catalogue | Purchase Plus Help Documents

In this section, we will show you how to create a Requisition from a Supplier Catalogue

Written by The Customer Success Team
Updated over a week ago


1. Go to [Documents]  [Requisitions], then click [+ Requisition]

2. In the pop-up window, choose [My Suppliers] from the [Use Products From] drop-down box. This option allows you to order from a Supplier’s full catalogue of products. 

3. Check the Delivery Address, Delivery Date and select whether it’s an order that you need to send to a Supplier. Then click [Save].

Note - By default, the [Send to Supplier] check box will be ticked, which means the order will be sent to the Supplier. If you deselect the [Send to Supplier] tick box, the [Send] button must still be pressed on the Purchase Order for the information to be captured in Purchase Plus, and the Supplier to be paid, but a physical copy of the order will not be sent to the Supplier.

4. In the requisition, make sure the header fields are correct and make any changes where necessary. Add the desired product quantity in the [Quantity] column, taking into consideration the package size of the product. Then hit 'Enter' on your keyboard to save the quantity entered.

Note - Purchase Plus displays 25 products per page. Use the 'Search for Product Code' and 'Search for Requisition Lines' fields to locate products that are not on the first page. Alternatively, the page skip buttons on the bottom left of the products can also be used to navigate manually through each page.

5. Press the [Submit] button when ready to proceed.

Your 'My suppliers' Requisition has now been sent for Approval. Once approved, the Purchase Order(s) created from the Requisition will need to be sent as outlined in this help guide.