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Why can't my Buyer(s) see my products as a Supplier? | Purchase Plus Help Documents

Why can't my Buyer(s) see my products as a Supplier?

In this section, we will explain some of the reasons your customers may be unable to see your products.

Written by The Customer Success Team
Updated over a week agoThe Customer Success Team

If a customer contacts you saying they are unable to see your products, there may be several reasons:

Reason 1. The Buyer is not added on the Supplier's account.

To check whether a Buyer has been added to your account, go to [Customers,] [My Customers] and search for the Buyer.

If you cannot find the Buyer in your Customer list, you will need to add them. See: Add a Buyer

Reason 2. The Buyer is not enabled.

To check whether a Buyer is enabled on your account, go to [Customers,] [My Customers] and search for the Buyer.

If there is an 'X' in the [Enabled] column, the Buyer has been disabled. To enable the Buyer, double click on the 'X' and then hit 'Enter' on your keyboard.

The Buyer has now been enabled.

Reason 3. The Buyer has not added/enabled you in their account.

To check whether the Buyer has you added/enabled on their account, go to [Customers,] [My Customers,] and click on the Buyer's name.

Click on the [Assigned Trading Catalogues] tab.

If in the [Enabled by Purchaser] column there is a dash, it means the Buyer does not have you added/enabled on their account. Please refer them to the Unable to purchase from a Marketboomer Supplier  help document.

Reason 4. The Buyer has no Catalogue attached.

To check whether a Buyer has a Catalogue attached, go to [Customers,] [My Customers] and search for the Buyer.

If the [Catalogue] column is blank, the Buyer does not have a Catalogue attached to their account, and therefore, cannot see any of your products. To attach a Buyer to a Catalogue see Add a Buyer to a Catalogue.

If, after these steps, your customer is still unable to purchase from you, please contact us via Live Chat within Purchase Plus or call us on 1300 411 014 and we'll be more than happy to help.

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