Create an Approval Workflow

In this section, we will show you how to create an Approval Workflow and set financial limits to user's approval rights.

Written by The Customer Success Team

1. Once you have finished creating your various Roles, navigate to [Settings] >[Approval Workflows] > [Workflows] and click the green [+] button to create a new Workflow.


2. Name your new workflow in [Title], for [Resource Type] select 'Lite Requisitioning (Purchasing)' and choose [Event] as 'Approve'.

You have two options you can choose here:

  • [Approval in ranked order]

    • This option is typically turned on for most approval workflows

    • As soon as a Purchase Requisition is approved by a rank that has the right approval limit set, the other ranks will not need to approve it and it will be sent off as a Purchase Order. For example, if the PR value is $400 and the 1st rank has a 'Maximum value' of $500, the 2nd, 3rd and any further ranks will be skipped.

    • When selected: Example, the approval for $1000 will first go to Rank 1 =$100, followed by Rank 2=$500... until it's approved by the appropriate rank that can approve $1000.

    • When not selected, the approval will be sent to all ranks that need to approve, e.g. rank 3 can approve before rank 1 or 2 have approved.

  • [Skip approval if over max value]

    • When selected, the approval request will only be sent to the approval rank with the appropriate allowance to approve.

[Approval in ranked order]

  • This option is typically turned on for most approval workflows

This option is typically turned on for most approval workflows

  • As soon as a Purchase Requisition is approved by a rank that has the right approval limit set, the other ranks will not need to approve it and it will be sent off as a Purchase Order. For example, if the PR value is $400 and the 1st rank has a 'Maximum value' of $500, the 2nd, 3rd and any further ranks will be skipped.

As soon as a Purchase Requisition is approved by a rank that has the right approval limit set, the other ranks will not need to approve it and it will be sent off as a Purchase Order. For example, if the PR value is $400 and the 1st rank has a 'Maximum value' of $500, the 2nd, 3rd and any further ranks will be skipped.

  • When selected: Example, the approval for $1000 will first go to Rank 1 =$100, followed by Rank 2=$500... until it's approved by the appropriate rank that can approve $1000.

When selected: Example, the approval for $1000 will first go to Rank 1 =$100, followed by Rank 2=$500... until it's approved by the appropriate rank that can approve $1000.

  • When not selected, the approval will be sent to all ranks that need to approve, e.g. rank 3 can approve before rank 1 or 2 have approved.

When not selected, the approval will be sent to all ranks that need to approve, e.g. rank 3 can approve before rank 1 or 2 have approved.


[Skip approval if over max value]

  • When selected, the approval request will only be sent to the approval rank with the appropriate allowance to approve.

When selected, the approval request will only be sent to the approval rank with the appropriate allowance to approve.

Once you selected your options, press 'Enter' and the [View] icon will appear, click the [View] icon to go into your new workflow.


3. To add a new Rank to the workflow, click the green [+] [Maximum value] is the maximum dollar($) amount this Rank can approve on a single Requisition.

Note - this value is based on the item value including tax). If you tick the [Unlimited] checkbox, the Rank will be able to approve any Requisition amount.

If there is only one person in this rank, the [Minimum approvers] should be set to 1, however, if there are multiple people in this rank, the [Minimum approvers] should be set to the minimum number of people that need to approve the Requisition in this Rank.

Click the [View] icon to go into the Rank details.


4. To add a Role to this rank, click the green [+] button. If this Role should be obligated to approve requisitions, no matter the value, tick the [Compulsory] checkbox.

Then, from the [Roles] drop-down, select the appropriate role name and press 'Enter' on your keyboard.


Repeat Steps 6 & 7 for every level of Approval in the workflow. Note - The last Rank in every Workflow should have the [Maximum Value] set to 'Unlimited'

You have now created a new Approval Workflow. To attach it to a Department, see this help guide.