View and Update Invoices

Learn how to find, view and update Invoices.

Access Invoices

1. Select [Invoices] → [View All] from the side navigation bar.

Access all Invoices

2. From the View All Invoices table view, you can complete the following tasks:

a. Filter All Invoices by Status.

b. Use [Search] to find the Invoice you would like to review.

c. [Manage Columns] to show or hide columns shown in table. 

d. Click on the [Invoice Number] to open the Invoice.

e. Hover on the [Reference] to add or edit the Invoice Reference. This is only possible when the Invoice is in an 'Open' or 'Flagged' state.

f. Hover on the [Expense Account] to add or edit the Department or Account that the Invoice is expensed against. This is only possible when the Invoice is in an 'Open' or 'Flagged' state.

g. [Purchase Order]. Determine if the Invoice has been matched to a Purchase Order. See our Match a Purchase Order to an Invoice article to learn more.

h. View the Status of the Invoice.

i. [GR Notes]. View the Goods Receiving Notes that are associated to the Invoice or create a new Goods Receiving Note against the Purchase Order that the Invoice is matched to. 

j. View the [PDF Copy] of the Invoice. This option is available if the Invoice was created from a PDF, via the PurchasePlus Paperless Invoicing solution.

View All Invoices in PurchasePlus

Updating Invoices

Changes can be made to an Invoice while it is in an 'Open' or 'Flagged' state. If an Invoice is in a Flagged state, it means that both Operational and Financial Approval are required in order to progress the Invoice to a 'Reconciled' state. There are many reasons that an Invoice has become Flagged. Each of the Flag reasons are shown on the Invoice Flags tab, as well as each of the Invoice Line Flags are shown in the Flags column on each Invoice line. As the Operational or Financial Approver, you may review each Flag reason and decide if you wish to resolve the Flag reason, or approve the Invoice without resolving some or all of the Flags.

How to Update an Invoice

1. Select an [Invoice] in the [Awaiting My Approval] list to view it in detail. You can use the quick action buttons in the Invoice header to:

a. [Show or Hide Details]. View detailed information about the Invoice.

b. [PDF Copy]. View the PDF Copy of the Invoice. This option is available if the Invoice was created from a PDF, via the PurchasePlus Paperless Invoicing solution.

c. [More Options]. View More Options such as the Audit Log of the Invoice, and other actions available on the Invoice.

Use quick action buttons in the invoice header2. Each Invoice has a Balance Panel, indicating if the sum of the Invoice parts is equal to the Invoice Totals. If required, click [Update Values] to manually adjust the Invoice values to bring the Invoice into balance. The Invoice Balance panel appears on all Invoices, but can only be updated when the Invoice is in an 'Open' or 'Flagged' state.

Update Values in an Invoice3. All Invoice Lines are listed within the [Product Summary] tab of the Invoice. Here you can:

a. Choose [Advanced View] to view Invoice Sub-Lines. Sub-Lines are a way to apportion the Invoice Line expense across multiple Department and Account Code combinations. See our Update Invoice Lines using Advanced Mode article for more information.

b. [Add Invoice Line], if required.

c. [Link] Invoice Line Items to Purchase Order Line Items. If your Organization matches Invoices to Purchase Orders, it is important that each Line of the Invoice is linked to a corresponding Line on the matched Purchase Order. See our Link or Unlink Invoice Lines to Purchase Order Lines article to learn more.

d. [Flags] View Flag Reasons for each Invoice line. If one or more Flag reasons are present on the Invoice line, a red flag icon will be present.

e. [Received] Status. Understand if the matched Purchase Order line has been marked as received on one or more Goods Receiving Notes. 

f. [Info] View detailed information about the Invoice line.

g. Invoice Quantity, Unit Price, Tax % and Line Totals.

Review Invoice

4. There are other tabs on the Invoice that contain important information:

a. The [Flags] tab provides a summary of the Flag reasons for the Invoice.

b. The [Analysis] tab provides a detailed view of the 3-Way/2-Way Match Analysis. 

c. The [Settings] tab enables you to view and manage details about the Invoice, such as Invoice Number, Reference, Invoice Date, Currency and Department and Account Code.

d. The [Comments] tab shows the Internal or External Comments that have been added to the invoice by users at your Organization.

e. The [Purchase Order] tab shows the Purchase Order that has been matched to the Invoice, if any.

f. The [Receiving Notes] tab shows the Goods Receiving Notes that belong to the matched Purchase Order, if any.

g. The [Attachments] tab shows the attached files that have been added to the Invoice by users at your Organization, if any.

Invoice Tabs Overview

Note - Learn more about Approving Flagged Invoices with our help article: Approve an Invoice.

Using the Invoice Power Editor

As of June 2024, users that have the 'Can Manage Invoices and Credit Notes' Permission can use the Invoice Power Editor to review and update an Invoice in PurchasePlus, side-by-side with a PDF Invoice that they received to their paperless invoicing email address.

To being using the Invoice Power Editor:

  1. Select any Invoice from the [Invoices] → [View All], or [Invoices] → [Awaiting My Approval] areas.
  2. In the Invoice Header, select [Power Editor].
    Invoice Power Editor in PurchasePlus
  3. If the Invoice was created in PurchasePlus by the act of a Supplier emailing the PDF invoice to your Paperless Invoicing Email Address, you will be able to view the PDF on the right-hand side of the Invoice Editor page in PurchasePlus, for easy reference when updating an Invoice.
    PowerEditor for easy invoice updating in PurchasePlus

Best Practices when Reviewing Invoices

Match Purchase Orders & Invoices

  • If applicable to your Organization, ensure a Purchase Order is matched to the Invoice before reviewing any Flag reasons.

  • Link Invoice Line Items to Purchase Order Line Items, if needed.

Receive Goods & Services

  • Check if items have been received. If applicable to your Organization, receiving a Purchase Order is a critical step in ensuring the items have been delivered and signals to the Invoice Approver that the Invoice is okay to be approved.

Check Line Items on Invoice before Approving

  • In case of discrepancies between Purchase Order price and Invoice price, you may wish to reach out to the Supplier for a potential Credit Note for any variance.