Send an Invoice to PurchasePlus

Learn how to send a PDF Invoice to PurchasePlus, and how our Paperless Invoicing solution handles these Invoices.

Why would I (or my Suppliers) send an email to PurchasePlus?

PurchasePlus offers a Paperless Invoicing solution for Organizations that wish to reduce the amount of time spent reviewing, flagging and reconciling the Invoices that are received from their Suppliers.

This is an automation-oriented product offering, seamlessly integrating OCR scanning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and our unique Human-In-The-Loop service. This combination ensures efficient data processing, intelligent decision-making, and continuous system improvement, while maintaining the essential human oversight in critical operations.

If your Organization chooses to adopt the Paperless Invoicing solution, a unique [Paperless Invoicing Email Address] will be provided to your Organization. Once issued, you can provide this Email Address to each of your Suppliers, and request that they begin sending Invoices to this Email Address, so that they are automatically processed through PurchasePlus. 

You can also send PDF Invoices to your own [Paperless Invoicing Email Address] on behalf of a Supplier, and please follow the best practice recommendations below when doing so.

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Best Practices for Sending Invoices to PurchasePlus

Use ePDF Invoices:

  • Inform your Suppliers to email a single Electronic PDF Invoice as an attachment directly to your [Paperless Invoicing Email Address], these are more easily scanned by PurchasePlus.
  • If the Supplier cannot supply Electronic PDF Invoices, a scanned PDF is still acceptable. Ensure the scanning is of reasonable quality for best Invoice processing results. 

When Sending Invoices:

  • Ensure that your [Paperless Invoicing Email Address] is in the 'To' or 'CC' field of the email, and not the 'BCC' field.
  • Do not write on or stamp the invoices as this will impact the invoice reading ability.
  • Ask the Supplier to avoid sending non-Invoice attachments such as Statements, Picking Slips, Order Confirmations etc as these will be deleted and slow down invoice processing. 

File Attachments

  • Multiple Invoices: You can attach multiple invoices to a single email, provided the combined file size does not exceed 20 MB.
  • Single File Submission: If you prefer, you can send a single file containing multiple invoices. Our platform will automatically separate them into individual files. Please be aware that this splitting process can take up to 60 minutes, during which the files may not be immediately visible in the queue.
  • File Size and Length Limit: Each file must be within the limits of 20 MB in size and 30 pages in length.

Processing Times 

  • 80% of documents submitted are processed automatically and in real time, typically appearing in your queue within minutes.
  • For documents that do not meet our business validation criteria, we have a dedicated invoicing team in place for manual review. We prioritize a prompt turnaround, with an average processing time of 3 hours, and a guarantee that all reviews are completed within 24 hours.
  • Our invoicing team is operational around the clock during weekdays, ensuring continuous processing. Over the weekend, we maintain an 8-hour operation per day.
  • For priority assistance, please direct your requests to We kindly request that you limit the use of this option to truly urgent matters. This approach helps us maintain equitable service levels across all our clients.

Finding your Paperless Invoicing Email Address

If your Organization uses the Paperless Invoicing solution:

1. Click your [Username/Organisation] in the top right corner, then select [About].

Access About Section in PurchasePlus2. Select [Organisational Details] → [Paperless Email Address]. Your Paperless Invoicing Email Address, specific to your Organization, will be shown here.

View Paperless Email Address in PurchasePlus

Viewing Invoices Sent to your Paperless Invoicing Email Inbox

The Inbox area shows all Invoices that have arrived at your [Paperless Invoicing Email Address], and are currently being scanned and processed. Items in this list have not yet been formally created as an Invoice in your Organization, and may not actually be Invoices (a Supplier may have sent something other than an Invoice to your [Paperless Invoicing Email Address]). 

Once an Invoice in the list is successfully processed and been formally created as an Invoice in your Organization, it will no longer appear in this list.

Some Organizations have the ability to review and delete items in their Inbox that do not need to be scanned, or that are not Invoices. A PurchasePlus team member will contact your Organization to enable this functionality if it is appropriate.

To view the Invoices in your Paperless Invoicing Inbox:

1. Select [Invoices] → [Inbox] from the side navigation bar.

2. Click [PDF File], to view the Invoice.

3. If applicable, click [More] → [Delete Invoice], to delete file, if you no longer wish for the file to be processed.

View Invoice in Inbox

Why Am I Not Seeing An Invoice?

  • If the Invoice Number and Supplier are the same as an existing Invoice in your Organization, the Invoice will be deleted. It is not possible to have the same Invoice Number twice for the same Supplier.
  • If the Invoice cannot be read due to missing information, then the Invoice will not be successfully scanned. A PurchasePlus team member will contact your Organization to inform you and work with you to rectify the information.
  • If the document is not an Invoice e.g. a statement, picking slip, order confirmation etc. it will be deleted and will not be scanned.
  • Invoices that are from a totally new Supplier (i.e., a Supplier with no profile in our system) may need to be mapped by our system, and this can take up to 48 hours. Invoices will then appear in your Organization once successfully processed. The next Invoice from the Supplier will be processed at a regular speed.
  • Invoices where the Supplier's Business Number does not match what is found in PurchasePlus will not be able to be automatically scanned. A PurchasePlus team member will contact your Organization to inform you and work with you to rectify the information.
  • If the Invoice is from a Supplier that has not been added as a Supplier to your Organization, a PurchasePlus team member will contact your Organization to inform you and work with you to add the Supplier.