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Introduction to User Management

This is an introductory article about the basics of User Management in PurchasePlus.

What is a User

A ‘User’ is a real person with an account that can be used to sign into PurchasePlus. Users can be created by other users with the ‘Manage Users’ permission. 

User Organisations

The way our system determines which Organization(s) that a user can sign into is a ‘membership’ model. A user can be a ‘member’ of one or more Organizations - if the latter, they can sign into the different Organizations of which they are a member using the [Account] → [Switch Organization] feature. 

Switching Organisations in PurchasePlusEvery user must have a ‘Default’ Organization, which determines the Organization in which they begin their session when they first sign in. The user can update their own Default Organisation anytime in their Account section, with the available Organizations restricted to those of which they are a member.

Updating a User's Default Organisation in PurchasePlus

If you are creating or managing another user profile, you can add another Organization to the user profile, assuming that you are also a member of that Organization.

Other users that are (a) members of the Organization and (b) have the ‘View Users’ permission will be able to view this user (and all other users) at the same Organization.

Creating a New User

Users with the ‘Manage Users’ permission can create new users in their Organization using the [Users] → [New User] option in the side navigation bar.

Creating a New User in PurchasePlusPlease read our article about Creating a New User profile for more information.

User Preferences

User Preferences are used to tailor the user’s experience and make it more enjoyable and usable for them, without restricting their ability to do certain actions (which is controlled instead by User Permissions). 

Please read our article about Creating a New User profile for more information.

User Permissions

PurchasePlus offers dozens of User Permissions to finely-control the experience and procurement activities of each user.

As a general rule, each Organisation will want to control the exact permissions of a given user differently, but there will be ‘archetypes’ or ‘roles’ that users can be categorised into. PurchasePlus does not currently support ‘Roles’ (i.e. pre-configured permission settings), but we do offer the ability to ‘Copy Permissions from Another User’ in the user’s Permissions tab.

Copying User Permissions from another User in PurchasePlus

Please read our article about Creating a New User profile for more information.