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Troubleshooting Point of Sale (POS) | Purchase Plus Help Documents

Troubleshooting Point of Sale (POS)

Find out what may have gone wrong in your POS Sale or Import.

Written by The Customer Success Team
Updated over a week agoThe Customer Success Team

The main issues that can occur when performing either a direct POS sale via integration or via manual import can be broken down into these areas:

  • POS is not configured properly

  • PLU codes are either duplicates or don't exist

  • Stock items are either not in the designated inventory location or there is not enough quantity to decrement

  • Issue with the recipe

  • Format being sent is not correct or recognised

  • If the import doesn't show any line details at all, it's possible that the Import Format has been changed from the 'Default', reach out to Support to check

POS is not configured properly

PLU codes are either duplicates or don't exist

Stock items are either not in the designated inventory location or there is not enough quantity to decrement

Issue with the recipe

Format being sent is not correct or recognised

If the import doesn't show any line details at all, it's possible that the Import Format has been changed from the 'Default', reach out to Support to check

Different states and error messages for sales:

  • Sales that encounter no issues with the format or PLU codes will show as 'complete' on the Sales page

  • The 'summary' column will show how many lines were successfully imported

    • The Sale itself may not have any issues with the format and therefore will show as 'complete'

    • Whilst the Sale may be 'complete', the Sale Lines within the Sale may still have errors

    • Alternatively, the Sale may have issues causing it show as 'failed' with no issues regarding the Sale Lines; these may show as 'open' if there is an issue with an ingredient in the sub-recipe that cannot be processed as either 'failed' or 'complete'

    • There is also a 'quantity Cannot be zero for this type of transfer' error which can occur for specific lines that is too low and has too many decimal points. For example, this could be trying to decrement a recipe ingredient that calculates to 0.0001 whereas the maximum allowed decimal points is only 3.

    • An 'Open' Sale may still be in process of being imported via the POS API or it has not been triggered to be transferred yet

      • Whilst triggering the Sale Transfer is typically part of the API calls sent to PurchasePlus, it is not required and users may need to open the Sale and click [Transfer]

Sales that encounter no issues with the format or PLU codes will show as 'complete' on the Sales page

The 'summary' column will show how many lines were successfully imported

  • The Sale itself may not have any issues with the format and therefore will show as 'complete'

  • The Sale itself may not have any issues with the format and therefore will show as 'complete'

  • Whilst the Sale may be 'complete', the Sale Lines within the Sale may still have errors

  • Whilst the Sale may be 'complete', the Sale Lines within the Sale may still have errors

  • Alternatively, the Sale may have issues causing it show as 'failed' with no issues regarding the Sale Lines; these may show as 'open' if there is an issue with an ingredient in the sub-recipe that cannot be processed as either 'failed' or 'complete'

  • Alternatively, the Sale may have issues causing it show as 'failed' with no issues regarding the Sale Lines; these may show as 'open' if there is an issue with an ingredient in the sub-recipe that cannot be processed as either 'failed' or 'complete'

  • There is also a 'quantity Cannot be zero for this type of transfer' error which can occur for specific lines that is too low and has too many decimal points. For example, this could be trying to decrement a recipe ingredient that calculates to 0.0001 whereas the maximum allowed decimal points is only 3.

  • There is also a 'quantity Cannot be zero for this type of transfer' error which can occur for specific lines that is too low and has too many decimal points. For example, this could be trying to decrement a recipe ingredient that calculates to 0.0001 whereas the maximum allowed decimal points is only 3.

  • An 'Open' Sale may still be in process of being imported via the POS API or it has not been triggered to be transferred yet

    • Whilst triggering the Sale Transfer is typically part of the API calls sent to PurchasePlus, it is not required and users may need to open the Sale and click [Transfer]

  • An 'Open' Sale may still be in process of being imported via the POS API or it has not been triggered to be transferred yet

    • Whilst triggering the Sale Transfer is typically part of the API calls sent to PurchasePlus, it is not required and users may need to open the Sale and click [Transfer]

    • Whilst triggering the Sale Transfer is typically part of the API calls sent to PurchasePlus, it is not required and users may need to open the Sale and click [Transfer]

      A Sale with failed Sale Lines can be transferred with only the successful lines. You can manually import or re-send the failed lines via API. Alternatively, you can resolve the issues for the lines and re-send the entire Sale again via API or run the Import again using the [ Repeat ] button:

      POS is not configured properly

      • This should have been set up as part of the implementation of the paid POS module

      • Check the 'Pos Outlet Code' entered for the Department is correct under [Business Settings]

      • Check that the correct Department is attached to the Stock Location

      • Check the [Outlet mappings] section for the organisation in the settings

      This should have been set up as part of the implementation of the paid POS module

      Check the 'Pos Outlet Code' entered for the Department is correct under [Business Settings]

      Check that the correct Department is attached to the Stock Location

      Check the [Outlet mappings] section for the organisation in the settings

      PLU codes are either duplicates or don't exist

      • This can happen when changing PLU codes in a Buy List for a recipe and for these two to become un-synced

      • If you have access, you may be able to check the following page when logged in to search for older products that are using the PLU code you are attempting to decrement:

      • PurchasePlus does not attempt to pull the lines of PLU codes that are not in the system, ensure that are set at the Buy List or Recipe level

      • PLU codes for recipes should only be managed in the Recipe area

      This can happen when changing PLU codes in a Buy List for a recipe and for these two to become un-synced

      If you have access, you may be able to check the following page when logged in to search for older products that are using the PLU code you are attempting to decrement:

      PurchasePlus does not attempt to pull the lines of PLU codes that are not in the system, ensure that are set at the Buy List or Recipe level

      PLU codes for recipes should only be managed in the Recipe area

      Stock item issues

      • Check your stock location that you have the products loaded as are in your recipe

      • Ensure there is enough quantity or that you have 'Allow Negative Stock Levels' enabled

      Check your stock location that you have the products loaded as are in your recipe

      Ensure there is enough quantity or that you have 'Allow Negative Stock Levels' enabled

      Recipe issues

      • Recipes can malfunction if you are pulling stock items into the recipe and the stock items are then deleted from the inventory location

        • Recommended not to delete any stock items unless sure that they are not being used in a recipe

        • You will need to re-create the recipe using stock items that are available

        • The recipe will still have a Cost Price although when opening the recipe, it will not show the ingredients

        • This applies to any sub-recipes that you are using in your recipe; all ingredients for the recipes as well as their sub-recipes need to be using ingredients/stock items that are not deleted from your stock locations

      • Ingredients in sub-recipes will not show an error message for the Sale Lines

      • If the recipe contains too many items or sub-recipes that have issues, the Sale Lines will have a state of 'open'

      Recipes can malfunction if you are pulling stock items into the recipe and the stock items are then deleted from the inventory location

      • Recommended not to delete any stock items unless sure that they are not being used in a recipe

      • Recommended not to delete any stock items unless sure that they are not being used in a recipe

      • You will need to re-create the recipe using stock items that are available

      • You will need to re-create the recipe using stock items that are available

      • The recipe will still have a Cost Price although when opening the recipe, it will not show the ingredients

      • The recipe will still have a Cost Price although when opening the recipe, it will not show the ingredients

      • This applies to any sub-recipes that you are using in your recipe; all ingredients for the recipes as well as their sub-recipes need to be using ingredients/stock items that are not deleted from your stock locations

      • This applies to any sub-recipes that you are using in your recipe; all ingredients for the recipes as well as their sub-recipes need to be using ingredients/stock items that are not deleted from your stock locations

        Ingredients in sub-recipes will not show an error message for the Sale Lines

        If the recipe contains too many items or sub-recipes that have issues, the Sale Lines will have a state of 'open'

        Note - View supported ways of creating Recipes with consideration of the most recent changes on the 25th January 2023.

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