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Remove User as Invoice Approver | Purchase Plus Help Documents

Remove User as Invoice Approver
Written by The Customer Success Team
Updated over a week agoThe Customer Success Team

1. From 'Dashboard', go to [Settings] [Invoice Approvers].

2. In the [Search for User] search field, type in the name of the User, and [Search].

3. On the left-hand side of the screen, next to [Department], click on the [edit] icon shown in 'blue' as below.

4. On the pop-up window, click on the [Delete Operational / Financial Approver] button, shown in 'red'. This will remove the User from the Approval workflow list for all invoices for that Department.

Note: the Approval workflow of the invoice is different from the Approval workflow for Purchase Requisitions. Removing a User from the Invoice Approvers list will not affect the Purchase Requisitions Approval Workflow.

Please check out this article for further information, Set up Flagged Invoice Approvers.

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