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Is it possible to restrict an Approver to certain permissions at the 'Parent' level in a hub set up? | Purchase Plus Help Documents

Is it possible to restrict an Approver to certain permissions at the 'Parent' level in a hub set up?
Written by The Customer Success Team
Updated over a week agoThe Customer Success Team

Because Purchase Plus works off a hierarchy system, if the Approver is logged in at 'Parent' organisation level, the Approver has full Permission granted to view and action all Purchase Orders and Invoices from the organisations sitting below in the 'Child' organisations. These permissions cannot be restricted at the 'Parent' organisational level.

The Approvers are also able to match invoices from different organisations as long as the Supplier matches. We suggest matching Invoices for the 'Child' organisation under the 'Child' level, rather than the 'Parent' level, to avoid any errors.

Check out this article for more information, User Permissions.

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