How can I complete weekly stock takes in Purchase Plus?

This can be completed by using the 'partial' stock take option.

  1. Navigate to your chosen inventory stock location.

  2. Select the [Stock Takes] tab, followed by the green [+ Stock Take] button as seen below:


3. Tick the 'partial' option, followed by [save]:


4. Click [Count Not Started] to start your stock take.


5. Export your stock take sheet, complete your end of week stock take and import the amended count sheet, followed by the [Done] button:


6. On the next screen, click your variance amount to transfer this stock or transfer as a variance (see here for details on the difference between both)​


Note - you must 'complete' your variances in order for the stock levels to reflect the new count.


7. You can now [Close] your partial stock take.

To view your current inventory levels, select the [Stock Turnover] tab in the applicable location:​