In this article, we will show you how to create internal stock requisition workflows.
1. Once you have finished creating your various Roles, navigate to [Settings] >[Approval Workflows] > [Workflows] and click the green [+] button to create a new Workflow.
2. Name your new Workflow in [Title] for [Resource Type] select 'Internal Requisition (Inventory) (Inventory)', tick [Approval In Ranked order] [Event] as 'Approve', then click the [View] icon to go into your new Workflow.
3. To add a new Rank to the workflow, click the green [+] [Maximum value] is the maximum dollar($) amount this Rank can approve on a single requisition. (Note - this value is based on the item value including tax). If you tick the [Unlimited] checkbox, the Rank will be able to approve any Requisition amount.
If there is only one person in this rank, the [Minimum approvers] should be set to 1, however, if there are multiple people in this rank, the [Minimum approvers] should be set to the minimum number of people that need to approve the Requisition in this Rank.
4. Click the [View] icon to go into the Rank details.
5. To add a role to this rank, click the green [+] button. If this role should be obligated to approve requisitions, no matter the value, tick the [Compulsory] checkbox. Then from the [Roles] drop-down, select the appropriate role name and press 'Enter' on your keyboard.
Repeat Steps 6 & 7 for every level of Approval in the Workflow. Note - The last rank in every Workflow should have the [Maximum Value] set to 'Unlimited'.
6. To associate your workflow with a stock location, navigate to [Settings] > [Approval Workflows] > [Transfer Charging]:
7. Click the green [+] button to add an origin and destination flow along with your previously created approval workflow as seen below:
Repeat the above steps for the required number of stock locations.