Introduction to Credit Notes

Learn how PurchasePlus helps your Organization to manage Credit Notes.

As an end-to-end Procure to Pay system, Credit Notes are an important part of PurchasePlus.

What is a Credit Note?

A Credit Note is a document that indicates a return of funds to a Purchaser. It is commonly issued by a Supplier following the cancellation of a Purchase Order, Invoice error, or lost or damaged goods. Credit Notes may be used to refund a transaction either in whole or in part.

Viewing Credit Notes in PurchasePlus

Credit Notes are located in [Invoices] → [Credit Notes]. Here you can view your Credit Notes in a table, and edit the table columns to suit your preference.

View All Credit Notes in PurchasePlus

You can click on any Credit Note to view details regarding the value to be credited, reference, comments, and attachments.

Viewing a Credit Note in PurchasePlus

Creating Credit Notes

Users with the ‘Manage Invoices and Credit Notes’ Permission can create a new Credit Note from the [Invoices] → [Credit Notes] area by clicking [Create New Credit Note]:

Create a New Credit Note button in PurchasePlus

This will prompt the user to provide some important details about the Credit Note, such as a Reference, Account Code and so on:

Create a New Credit Note form in PurchasePlus

Currently, a Credit Note can be created with a Total amount and Total Tax amount, but the more-advanced ability to add Credit Note Lines (and Sub-Lines) is coming soon.

Unlike Invoices, Credit Notes cannot be created automatically by our Paperless Invoicing module currently.

Updating and Managing Credit Notes

Users with the ‘Manage Invoices and Credit Notes’ Permission can currently update any of the Settings, post a Comment, or upload an Attachment against a Credit Note. Additionally, permitted users can Park, Cancel, and Delete a Credit Note. If there are no Flags on the Credit Note, they can also mark the Credit Note as Reconciled.

The more-advanced abilities to update, link or remove Credit Note lines (and Sub-lines), edit the Credit Note total value, and resolve any Flags are coming soon

Credit Note Statuses

Credit Notes can be in one of many states:

  • Open: An Open Credit Note has been created and can be updated, but is yet to be Reconciled. 
  • Flagged: A Flagged Credit Note has one or more Flags raised against it, and approval is now required by an Operational and Financial Approver at your Organisation. Once approvals have been granted, the Credit Note will be progressed to a Reconciled state.
  • Reconciled: A Reconciled Credit Note has passed all checks required by your Organisation and is now suitable for exporting to your Organisation's external accounting platform. You cannot make changes to a Credit Note while it is in a Reconciled state. If you wish to make changes, you can Re-Open the Credit Note.
  • Parked: A Parked Credit Note has been parked by a user at your Organisation as it may require further consideration or discussion. Changes cannot be made to a Credit Note while in a Parked state. If you need to, you can Re-Open the Credit Note to continue making changes to it. 
  • Cancelled: A Cancelled Credit Note has been Cancelled by a user and is no longer in use at your Organisation. You cannot make changes to a Credit Note in a Cancelled state. If you wish to reinstate the Credit Note and make changes to it, you can Re-Open the Credit Note.
  • Export Ready: An Export Ready Credit Note is now available in the [Invoices]→ [Export Center] for inclusion in an upcoming Export File. Once the Credit Note has been successfully exported to your Organisation's external accounting platform, the status of the Credit Note will be updated to Exported. Changes cannot be made to the Credit Note while it is in an Export Ready state. If you need to, you can Revert the Credit Note to a Reconciled state, then Re-Open the Credit Note to make changes to it.
  • Exporting: An Exporting Credit Note is currently in the process of being exported to your Organisation's external accounting platform. This process usually takes a few minutes. Once the export is successful, the status of the Credit Note will be updated to Exported. Changes cannot be made to the Credit Note while it is in an Exporting state. If you need to, you can Revert the Credit Note to a Reconciled state, to Export it again, or Re-Open the Credit Note to make changes to it.
  • Exported: An Exported Credit Note has been included in one or more Export files and has been exported to your Organisation's external accounting platform. Changes cannot be made to the Credit Note while it is in an Exported state. If you need to, you can Revert the Credit Note to a Reconciled state, then Re-Open the Credit Note to make changes to it.

Exporting Credit Notes

Like Invoices, Credit Notes can be exported to your external accounting platform in one of two ways, depending on your Organization Type.

Type A vs Type B Organizations

AP System Destinations and Export Formats

The exact Electronic Destination and Format of the Export Files for both Type A and Type B Organizations is configured during the Implementation of your PurchasePlus system, but it can be modified post-implementation in close consultation with the PurchasePlus team if required. Please contact our friendly Customer Success Team for more information.