Export an Invoice or Credit Note

Learn how to Export individual Invoices and Credit Notes from PurchasePlus to your External Accounting System.

Depending on how your Organization has been configured, you may Export Invoices and Credit Notes individually (Type A), or via a Batch Export File (Type B).

In this article, we will be explaining the Type A scenario, where Invoices and Credit Notes are individually Exported, and an Export file containing the single Invoice or Credit Note is automatically created.

If your Organization exports Invoices and Credit Notes via a Batch Export File (Type B), see our Mark an Invoice or Credit Note as Export Ready and Create a Batch Export File articles. 

Export an Invoice

1. Select [Invoices] → [View All] from the side navigation bar.

2. Select [Reconciled] tab. Only Invoices in the 'RECONCILED' state can be Exported. A Reconciled Invoice has passed all flag checks, or has been granted Approval despite having flags.

3. Use [Search] to find the Invoice you would like to Export.

4. Click [Invoice Number] to open the Invoice.

Open Reconciled Invoice5. Click the [Export] action button in the Invoice header area. Note - You will require a specific permission in order to see this button in the Invoice header. Please speak with an Administrator at your Organization if you do not have this permission.

Click Export to Export Invoice to AP System

Note - The Invoice is now Exporting. The Export process will usually take less than a minute. Once the Export process has completed successfully, the status of the Invoice will automatically update to Exported. The Invoice should also have arrived in your External Accounting System. A record of this Export task will now be available in your Export Center.

Invoice is Exporting to AP System

Export Invoices in Bulk

1. Select [Invoices] → [View All] from the side navigation bar.

2. Select [Reconciled] tab. Only Invoices in the 'RECONCILED' state can be Exported. A Reconciled Invoice has passed all flag checks, or has been granted Approval despite having flags.
View Reconciled Invoices Type A Org

3. Select multiple Invoices, or select all Invoices by selecting the checkbox at the top of the Selection column.
Select multiple reconciled invoices
4. With one or more Invoices selected, click [Export] at the top-left of the table, and then confirm the action in the resulting dialog box.
Export invoices in bulk Type A Organisation

View Export Center

1. Select [Invoices] → [Export Center] from the side navigation bar.

2. In the Export Center, you are able to:

a. Search by Export Number.

b. View Status of Export.

c. View Export Summary.

d. Download Export file.

View Invoice Export Center

Revert Invoice to Reconciled

Note - If you need to, you can Revert the Invoice to a Reconciled state, then Re-Open the Invoice to make changes to it.

1. Inside the Invoice, select [More Menu] → [Revert to Reconciled] in the Invoice header area.

Revert Exported Invoice to Reconciled