Basic Shopping

Learn how to create a Requisition using the Basic Shopping mode.

What is the difference between Basic & Advanced Shopping?

Basic Shopping: Provides a familiar online shopping experience with a Shopping Cart you can view before checking out.

Advanced Shopping: Provides a powerful way to view and compare prices from your Suppliers, for every product in one page. It is suited for experienced users of PurchasePlus and most helpful when creating a Requisition using a Buy List.

How to use Basic Shopping?

When shopping any Requisition type, you can opt to use Basic Shopping to order products from your Suppliers.

1. Create a new Requisition. 

Visit the articles below to learn more about Creating a Requisition:

Change View

1. Decide if you like to view Products in Tile View or List View, by clicking either [Tile View] or [List View] selector on the right side.

Choose Tile View in Basic ShoppingSelect List View in Basic Shopping

2. Decide if you'd like to enable/disable [Best Quote Only Mode], by selecting/deselecting this option. If enabled, PurchasePlus will only show the lowest priced quote for a product, and other higher priced quotes of the same product will not be shown.

If multiple Suppliers offer the same quote for a Product, PurchasePlus will select the best quote at random.

Enable [Best Quote Only Mode] in Basic Shopping

3. Click the [More Menu] in the top right of your screen, to complete any of the following tasks:

a. [Open the Requisition in Legacy PurchasePlus].

b. [Switch to Advanced Shopping].

c. [Cancel the Requisition].

d. [Get Help] visit the Help Center.

Access More Options in Basic Shopping

Search Products

1. The following Search options are available:

a. Search by Product Name or Brand, using the Search Bar.

b. Filter By Suppliers: Find and add or remove Suppliers to your filter.

c. Filter By Category: Find and add or remove categories and sub-categories to your filter.

d. Search By P+ Product Code. 

e. Search By Supplier Product Code.

f. Search By Purchaser Product Code.

See our Advanced Product Search article to learn more about searching.

Search Products in Basic ShoppingNote: On mobile, Advanced Search filters, can be found next to the Search bar.

View Products & Quotes

1. Click on [Product Description] or [Product Image] to view:

a. [Product Details].

b. [Supplier Details].

c. [Delivery Fees].

d. [Barcodes].

2. Click [Manage Product] to access General Details and Barcode Settings of the Product.

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We're working hard to gather all of our Supplier's product images and keep them updated. Contact our friendly customer support team if you find Supplier products that don't have images.

3. Click [Quote Number] next to the Add Item button, to view quotes available on this product. These quotes are shown for your information so that you can compare prices from your Suppliers. In Basic Shopping, you can only select an alternate quote when viewing your Cart.

View Supplier Quotes in Basic Shopping

Add Products to Cart

1. Click [Add Item] to add a product to your Cart. You can adjust the Quantity being ordered using the [-] or [+] buttons, or you can type a Quantity into the [Quantity] field. You can also type fractions of a whole number using decimal places, for example, 3.75. 

2. You can click [View Cart] at any time to view a summary of your selected Products.

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Add Products to Buy Lists

1. Click the [More Options] button on a specific Product, then click [Add to Buy List].

Add Product to a Buy List in Basic Shopping

2. Select the Buy List that the Product will be added to. To confirm, click [Add to Buy List]. See our Create a New Buy List article and our Add Products to a Buy List article to learn more about Buy Lists.

Choose Buy List and add to Buy List

View Cart

1. Complete Quick Actions from top right if required:

a. [Continue Shopping], this will take you back to the product overview.

b. [Save and Close].

c. [Show or Hide Details], shows detailed information about the Requisition, shown on screenshot below.

d. [More] → [Manage Columns] or [Get Help].

Complete Quick Actions in Cart View

2. View [Product Summary] to:

a. Review Products, per Supplier.

b. Review Quotes. If multiple quotes are available, you can select an alternate quote from another Supplier here and your cart will be updated to reflect your selection.

c. Adjust Quantity.

d. Add Order Instructions to a particular Product.

e. Assign a Department and Account Code to a particular Product. Your Organization may use this feature for recording expenses.

f. Remove a Product from the Requisition.

g. Review Prices & Totals.

Review Product Summary in Cart View

2. Click [Settings] to review or make changes to:

a. Requisition Reference.

b. Decide if you would like to send Purchase Orders to Suppliers.

c. Delivery Address.

d. Delivery Date.

e. Department and Account Code.

f. Set Currency, if applicable.

Edit Settings of the Requisition in Basic Shopping

3. Click on [Comments] to:

a. Add an Internal comment.

b. Tick [External Comment] to add an external comment.

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4. Click [Attachments] to attach files related to this Requisition.

Attach files related to this Requisition

Submit Requisition for Approval

1. Click [Submit Requisition] from the top right, to submit the Requisition for approval.

Submit Requisition for Approval in Basic Shopping

2. Confirm your submission by reviewing the Requisition details and clicking [Submit for Approval] at the bottom of the page.

Confirm and Submit for Approval

3. The Requisition will be submitted for Approval and will be progressed to the 'AWAITING APPROVAL' state. The Requisition will be placed into the Approval Workflow that applies to the Requisition, and the approving users in the first rank of the workflow will receive an email notification, informing them that the Requisition can be approved or declined.