Add Products to a Buy List

Learn how to use the Buy List Builder to add Products to your Buy Lists.

Buy Lists are a powerful way to standardise and automate procurement decisions across an Organization - ensuring that Purchasers can buy the Right Products from the Right Suppliers at the Right Price.

A Buy List combines a predefined ‘shopping list’ of Products that the Purchaser is interested in. A Buy List displays all of the available Quotes for those Products, from all of their Suppliers' Catalogs.

Users must have 'Manage Buy Lists' permission to create, edit (i.e. add/remove products to) and delete Buy Lists.

How to Add Products to a Buy List

1. Go to [Buy Lists] and select [Buy List Builder] from the side navigation bar, or select the [Open Buy List Builder] icon when viewing All Buy Lists.

Select [Buy List Builder]2. Find products via:

a. Search by Product Name or Brand.

b. Filter By Suppliers.

c. Filter By Category.

d. Search By Barcode

e. Search By P+ Product Code, Supplier Product Code, Purchaser Product Code.

f. Filter by showing Only Products with Quotes.

g. Filter by showing Only P+ Master Products.

See our Advanced Product Search article to learn more about searching.

3. Click [Add to Buy List] or [In # Buy List] button to add a Product to a Buy List. The In # Buy List button indicates that the item has already been added to at least 1 Buy List.

Search Product to add to Buy Lists

4. Select the [Buy Lists] you would like to add the product to, then click [Add to Buy List].

Select [Buy Lists] you would like to add the product to

5. Repeat selecting and adding Products to Buy Lists, as required.