Why is the invoice 'Stuck' in P+i? - This is internal and should not be shared with our customers

Find out why your invoice has not been processed to Purchase Plus.

Invoices that are 'Stuck' means that the invoice has been processing for longer than 30 minutes and cannot be automatically scanned.

An invoice may be 'Stuck' because it is using a duplicate invoice number with the same supplier that already exists in Purchase Plus. There are also a number of required fields that may not be on the invoice or readable. By clicking through to the invoice using the 'Invoice Number', there will be fields that will show an error message such as "Can't be blank" that will indicate why the invoice is 'Stuck'.

To investigate further, you can use the "Audit log" available to see the history of what's happened with the invoice. Use the [Audit log] button in the top-right to open this.

Once you have fixed the issues with the invoice, click on [Update Invoice] to check if there are any remaining issues. If the invoice is ready to submit, you can then click on [Submit Invoice] to send it to Purchase Plus.