Use Stock Take Mobile Application

In this section, we will show you an overview of the Stock Take Mobile Application, including barcode scanning.


Written by The Customer Success Team

Purchase Plus allows the use of barcodes in stocktaking via the Purchase Plus Stock Take app. This requires the Inventory module to be enabled.

The Stocktake application & barcode scanning, can be used on either:

  1. A mobile phone with a camera and web page access.

  2. An Infra Red Scanner PDA with Android web page access.

A mobile phone with a camera and web page access.

An Infra Red Scanner PDA with Android web page access.


  • Login

  • Dashboard

  • Stock Locations

  • Stock Counts

  • Scanning and Counting

  • Stock Location Background Colour

  • Switching Organisations


Login via using the same Email and Password as for your regular Purchase Plus login


The dashboard page currently shows the first five stock locations and unsaved stock counts.

The top menu bar remains fixed in the top across all pages.

Stock Locations

Click on the [Stock Location], you wish to enter a count for. After navigating to a stock location, you can access stock takes for that location that are open or in progress.

To make the stock take available offline, click The “refresh” link in the details overview, as shown under Offline Data. This is used when counting in a location without Wi-Fi.

By default, the stock takes list is sorted descending by date created.

Stock Counts

Click on the [Stock Take] you want to enter/update, and you will be able to see the following:

  • the period

  • status

  • blind/partial settings

the period


blind/partial settings

After navigating into a stock take, you can open barcode webcam scanning with the camera symbol. The subtitle on this page indicates the location and period.

Scanning and Counting

After clicking the [Camera Icon], the camera or IR scanner will activate. Hover your device over the product's barcode, you wish to count. The system will read the barcode and display the related product. Check if this is correct, enter the count and click save.

Then continue to scan and count the rest of the items in your location.

Stock Location Background Colour

In Purchase Plus, when a current stock take is ready to be closed or is closed, then the stock location colour is white, when a current stock take in not able to be closed, then the stock location background colour is red, this display pattern is the same with the one in Purchase Plus.

Red background for stock take:

  • Count not start

  • In process

  • Completed with non-0 variance

Count not start

In process

Completed with non-0 variance

No background for stock take

  • Closed

  • Completed with 0 variance


Completed with 0 variance

Switching Organisations

To change the organisation you want to enter a count for:

1. Click the [Main Menu] icon.

2. Click [Switch Organisation].

3. Type in the name of the organisation you wish to switch to.

4. Click on the [Organisation] you wish to change to.

To complete the count, you will need to log back in to Purchase Plus. Find out how to Zero Out Variances before completing your Stock Take.