In this section, we will show you how to update or amend your prices from a spreadsheet outside of Purchase Plus.
Note - to add products to a spreadsheet, you need the 'PP Product ID', a unique code that Purchase Plus uses to identify product descriptions. You can find this 'PP Product ID' in any export from Purchase Plus. If you do not have the 'PP Product ID' you will need to manually search for and add the product description to your catalogue within Purchase Plus first. See: Create a catalogue and add products from Step 3 onward.
Find a Catalogue Import Template here
1. In [Catalogues] [Supplier Catalogues] find the Catalogue you want to update and click the [Export] icon on the right of the Catalogue name.
2. Your new catalogue export will now show with the state 'Open.' Wait a few seconds before refreshing the page. The catalogue export should now show as 'Complete.' Click the [File Name] to download the catalogue .CSV file.
3. Open the .CSV file in your spreadsheet editor.
Edit the following columns ONLY:
Column A: product_code
Column I: pack_price_ex_tax
Column J: tax_percentage
To add new existing products to the Catalogue, input the 'PP Product ID' in Column Q, along with the other 3 Columns mentioned above as well.
Note - You can find the PP Product ID in any export from Purchase Plus. If you do not have the PP Product ID, you will need to add the product to your catalogue within Purchase Plus first. See: Create a catalogue and add products
4. To ensure there are no errors when re-importing the catalogue back into Purchase Plus, we recommend clearing the contents of all columns except "product_code," "pack_price_ex_tax," "tax %" and "pp_product_id" (columns A, I, J and Q.) You can now save the file ready for import.
5. Back in Purchase Plus, in [Catalogues] [Supplier Catalogues,] find the Catalogue you have amended the .CSV file for, then click the [Import] icon on the right on the Catalogue name.
6. In the pop-up window, [Browse] for the edited .CSV file.
If you want your price update import to be scheduled for a future date and time, input the date, hour and minute in the appropriate fields.
7. Your catalogue import will now show with the state as "Open." Wait a few seconds before refreshing the page. The state should now show as "Complete." You can see the details of your import in the Import Information column and any errors that may have occurred in the Import Errors column.
Your products and prices have now been updated.
Click on the [Catalogued Products] tab to view your updated product prices.