Supplier Minimum Delivery Value Charges

In this section we will show Suppliers how to manage delivery charges & apply them to customer accounts

Formal Suppliers can set delivery charges for Purchase Orders under a certain dollar value/amount and allocate different fees to various customers.

This feature is not available for informal or self managed suppliers at this time.

Currently we are  unable to support a 'minimum order quantity' charge, such as order 10 cartons or a certain Delivery charge is applicable. 

There is no limit on how many delivery fees you can create & assign.

Our PurchasePlus Supplier Team will create the minimum delivery fee for you in your PurchasePlus account, then you can manage/assign fees to customers individually.


1. Let us know how you would like the delivery fee/s to be set up, following the below convention.

Name - Name of the new delivery charge.
Minimum order value - If the PO ex. tax total is under 'this' amount, the delivery charge will apply.
Delivery charge - The delivery fee value that will be applied to orders if they are under the amount specified.
Delivery charge tax percentage - the tax percentage of the delivery charge. eg. 8%/10%/15% depending upon regionality.


Now you can attach the delivery charge to the individual Customer.

1. In [Customers,] [My Customers,] click in the [Delivery Charge] column of the Customer you want to apply the delivery charge rules to.

2. From the drop-down, select the set of delivery charge rules you want to apply, then hit "Enter" on your keyboard.

These delivery charges will now be applied to the Customer's Purchase Orders in the outbound PO sent to the supplier under 'Delivery Charges (ex. tax) section of the Purchase Order.

Please note, delivery charges do not show as a line item in the body of the outbound PO, it shows in the Total area of the PO as a charge.

Be sure to apply the Delivery Charge/s on the corresponding invoice. If you use API for invoicing, be sure to send that specific field in the data package so the PO and invoice amounts match.