In this section, we will show you how to create Recipes and recalculate Recipe Costs.
Before you can start creating Recipes, you need to create a Menu. The Menus in Purchase Plus are a filing system and a way of organising your Recipes. You can have multiple Menus or one single Menu containing all your Recipes.
Note - Each Recipe can only be filed under one Menu.
Create a Menu
1. in [Recipe Management] [Menus] click the green [+] button to create a new Menu.
2. Input the Menu name and press 'Enter' on your keyboard.
Your Menu has now been created and you can start adding Recipes.
Create a Recipe
1. In [Recipe Management] [Recipes] click on the green [+] button.
2. Enter the Recipe name, Course and select the Menu the Recipe will be included in, then press 'Enter' on your keyboard.
3. To add more details to the Recipe, click the [Edit] icon.
4. In the pop-up window, you can input:
Code - For reference or POS use
Size and Measure - If this Recipe is going to be used as a Sub-Recipe
Retails price ex tax - For the retail price of the Recipe which will later calculate cost %
Pre-Make - Option to determine whether this recipe is going to be pre-made (usually in bulk) and then either sold as an item or used in another recipe.
Image - Uploads a reference photo which will be included on the Recipe Card.
Note - Uploaded image can be of any size, but work best if it's square or near a square in shape.
Then click [Update].
5. Click the [View] icon to open the Recipe.
6. To add ingredients to your recipe, click the green [+] button.
7. In the pop-up window, search for the ingredients in the search box. Purchase Plus will search from items included in your Buy Lists to get current prices of these products. Once you have found the ingredient you are looking for, click the [Hand Picker] icon next to the product. Repeat for all ingredients.
You are also able to choose ingredients from specific Inventory Stock Locations, to be able to transfer recipe items as one between Stock Locations.
You can use other Recipes you've created as an ingredient (or Sub-Recipe.) To do this, select the [Recipe] tab in the pop-up window. Once you have added all the ingredients/Sub-Recipes, close the pop-up window.
Note - These will only show those that have been enabled as 'Pre-Make' recipes.
8. To input the quantity of each ingredient to be used in the Recipe, click on the ingredient/Sub-Recipe. Input the yield percentage in the [Yield Percentage] column (if left blank, it is assumed the yield percentage is 100%,) select the appropriate measurement from the 'Measure' dropdown and input the 'Portion'.
9. To calculate the cost of this Recipe, click the green [Recalculate Cost] button in the bottom right corner of the screen. You will then be able to see the cost price and cost percentage in the header.
Note - Purchase Plus uses the lowest quoted product price for each ingredient.
10. Input the size of one individual item and use the 'Yield Quantity' to determine how many of those items the recipe creates.
For example, if you bake 200 small dinner rolls at a time, you can determine the 'Size' of 1 dinner roll (50g) and input the 'Yield Quantity' of 200. You will also need to put in the ingredients used for all 200 dinner rolls.
Your Recipe has now been created.
If you want to create a Recipe card, there are a few more steps to follow.
11. Click the [Preparation] tab, then on the [Edit] icon at the top right of the text field. Click [Update] once you have input the preparation instructions.
12. Click the [Presentation] tab, then on the [Edit] icon at the top right of the text field. Click [Update] once you have input the presentations instructions.
13. To print the Recipe card, click the [Recipe Card] tab, then the blue [Print] button in the bottom left corner of the screen.
Your Recipe card is ready to be printed.