Supplier Product Image Upload Guide

This article guides Suppliers on the Image Format Requirements, and the process for uploading product images to PurchasePlus. We can upload the images for you as well!

Suppliers can upload their Product Images to PurchasePlus themselves via their Product Catalog.

Master Images - are uploaded by PurchasePlus team for you, and hard coded to the Master PPID. They remain attached to a Master product.

Supplier Images - all Suppliers have the utility built into all catalogs so they can upload a newly packaged or superseded packaging image. That newly uploaded Supplier Image will override any Master image in your catalog that has been previously loaded.

And of course, our Supplier Relationship Team can also help with this task - just send the Images in the below format to and we will be happy to help! 

What do my products look like in PurchasePlus? Take a peak...

Image Format Requirements

  • The images should be a minimum 500px X 500px dimension. If larger, they should maintain the 1:1 aspect ratio.

  • The image file should be in .jpeg or .png format.

  • We recommend a high-quality image with a white background to represent your product in the best light for all customers.

  • The image file name must be the same as the Product Code that you use in your PurchasePlus catalogs. i.e. '123456' as seen in the below example.

Image Uploading Process for Suppliers

1. Log into your PurchasePlus account

2. Go to [Catalogues] [Supplier Catalogues]

3. Type the name of the catalog that you want to upload your image to, into the search field, and press 'enter' on your keyboard.

4. When the catalog appears, click on the 'eye' icon, as below.

5. In the body of the catalog, search for the product you want to upload your image to. For this example, we typed 'apple' into the search field, as below, pressed 'enter' on the keyboard. You can also search via your product code if you prefer.

6. When the product appears, click on the 'upload' icon, the icon that the arrow in the image below is pointing to.

Note - in this example, you can see there is already a 'Master image' for this product. This is an image that a supplier organisation originally sent to our team to upload on their behalf, or the supplier's organisation instructed our team to upload license free/generic images according to their product description & PPID. To view the 'Master image', click on 'View'.

7. In the pop-up window, click 'Browse' to find your pre-saved image file, click on the file, and click 'Save' in the pop-up window.

Note - you can upload a PNG or a JPEG image format file. In 500x500px & maximum file size 1MB. If you attempt to upload an image in any other format/size you will receive an error message and you will need to reformat the image.

8. When you have successfully uploaded your image, the below message will appear in your PurchasePlus screen.

9. Your product now has two images loaded, as below. To view the image/s, click on 'View', as below.


Note - if there are two images loaded, the Supplier Image will override the Master Image, and PurchasePlus will display the Supplier Image only.

 Master image:

Supplier image:


Note - The upload product image PurchasePlus function supports adding new images, updating/changing images, but it does not offer a 'delete image' function. The red 'bin' icon you see on the screen will delete the product from your catalogue, it is not related to your product image.



Send us your images to upload for you!

Download your Product Images into a shareable folder

The following are the most common approaches:

  • Bulk export to a .zip file from your files, or hosting service such as GS1, and email it to

  • Download individual images from your current website/image library and save them in a Google Drive/OneDrive/Dropbox folder for sharing with Marketboomer. Please make your file sharable with:

Note - retrieving of images via API is not currently widely supported.