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Purchase Plus Supplier Overview | Purchase Plus Help Documents

Purchase Plus Supplier Overview

In this section we will give you a brief overview of Purchase Plus

Written by The Customer Success Team
Updated over a week agoThe Customer Success Team

Our core eProcurement platform connects buyers and suppliers online. Buyers manage their procurement and spend using Purchase Plus.

The platform manages the procure-to-pay cycle and all document communication between the buyer and supplier, with integration points to enable automated document handling.

Purchase Plus homepage: https://www.purchaseplus.com/

  • Our recommended browser is Google Chrome

Our recommended browser is Google Chrome

Suppliers are able to transact efficiently with their customers, and with added visibility over customers purchasing needs using marketshare insights, suppliers can take advantage of the opportunity to increase their share of customers overall spend.

As a supplier using Purchase Plus, you have access to upload your products and pricing for each customer online. Once a customer places an order you will receive it via your preferred method, and have access to all your orders in one place. We have the ability to integrate these orders into your systems to eliminate data entry.

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