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Invoice Thresholds Explained | Purchase Plus Help Documents

Invoice Thresholds Explained
Written by The Customer Success Team
Updated over a week agoThe Customer Success Team

Invoice Thresholds allow invoices to bypass the flagged state and go straight to reconciled by allowing for small discrepancies.

To access the Invoice Thresholds section, navigate to [Settings] [Departments] [Invoice Thresholds].

Unit Price / Unit Price %
How much variance do you allow per line on price as a dollar amount or percentage above and below the PO line item price?

Line Qty / Line %
How much variance do you allow per line quantity as a whole number or percentage above and below the line quantity?

Total Value / Total Value %
How much variance do you allow for the invoice total amount as a dollar amount or percentage above and below the PO value?

Compulsory Account / Department / Vendor Code
Whether the Account/Department/Vendor Codes are compulsory for an invoice to be processed.

Prefer Highest
Checking this option for any group will allow an invoice to automatically go to reconciled, as long as one of those grouped thresholds (number or percentage) is accepted.

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