In this section we will show you how to import multiple GL and OOB codes into your AP hub.
1. Download a copy of the "Import Account Codes Template.csv" to your computer, ensuring you save it in .CSV format.
2. Copy and paste the below information into the appropriate column:
Column A - GL codes
Column B - Code Description
Column C - "P" (Every row with data must have P in column C)
Note - When adding account codes with a “00” at the beginning of them, please ensure that they are added with a single apostrophe ( ' ) , for example 002019200 should be in your spreadsheet as '002019200.
3. To create OOB codes, first locate the GL you want to create the OOBs for. Insert as many blank rows under the GL as OOBs you want to create.
Then copy and paste the below information into the appropriate column:
Column A - OOB code
Column B - OOB Description
Column C - P
Column D - Parent GL code
Repeat for all OOB codes and save the file.
4. In Purchase Plus, go to [Settings] [Accounts Payable] [View]
5. In the [Account Imports] tab, click on the green [+Account Import] button.
6. Choose the file you created earlier.
Note: If you want to delete all existing codes in your Purchase Plus account and replace them with the account codes in your import file, tick [Delete ALL existing codes first?] check box. If you only want to add the codes to your current list, leave the checkbox deselected.
Then click [Save.]
7. Wait a moment before refreshing your browser page to check that all account codes imported correctly. If any errors have occurred, they will show in the [Import Error File Name.]
Depending on the size of your file, it can take a while to import all codes. Continue to refresh your page every so often until the import is complete.
Your account codes have now been imported.