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How do I download or print a copy of my supplier catalogue? | Purchase Plus Help Documents

How do I download or print a copy of my supplier catalogue?

In this guide, we will show you how to print a Catalogue.

Written by The Customer Success Team
Updated over a week agoThe Customer Success Team

If you would like to download or print a hard copy of your Purchase Plus Catalogues, you can export the catalogue in csv spreadsheet format.

1. Go to [Catalogues,] [Supplier Catalogues,] click the [Export] icon to the right of the catalogue you want to download.

2. The state of the export will show as 'Open', after a few seconds, refresh the screen using your browser's refresh button or the [Refresh] icon in the top right hand corner of Purchase Plus.

3. The state of the file will now show as 'Complete'. To download the catalogue export, click on the file in the [File Name] column.

4. Your catalogue is now in a spreadsheet which you can save, filter, and also search for the products' PPID.

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