FAQ OCR Paperless Invoicing

These are some Frequently Asked Questions about OCR Paperless Invoicing

Written by The Customer Success Team

Note: If your question is not answered here, please reach out to help@marketboomer.com, and the Purchase Plus support team will gladly assist you.


Q: What does OCR Paperless Invoicing do?
A: OCR Paperless Invoicing allows scanned PDF invoices to be transmitted into Purchase Plus for processing as Paperless Invoices without manual data entry.


Q: Can I scan Credit Notes?
A: No, Paperless Invoices do not support credit notes.
Refer to the Create Credit Note help guide for assistance here.


Q: Can I scan any Invoice and send it into Purchase Plus?
A: Yes, but the invoice format must be mapped before submission to Purchase Plus.


Q: How do I get a supplier's invoice mapped within Purchase Plus?
A: Contact [help@marketboomer.com] with a copy of the invoice attached to the email. Six invoices are required for each supplier to ensure successful mapping.


Q: Where do I find the email address to send scanned PDF invoices to?
A: Find the address under [Suppliers] → [My Suppliers], search for the supplier named “Marketboomer”. This unique email address can be used for all supplier invoices.


Q: Can Suppliers send PDF Invoices directly into Purchase Plus?
A: Yes, as long as their invoice format has been mapped. They will be created as paperless invoices and appear in the same way as your scanned invoices, with either a Flagged or Reconciled status, ready to be processed. (See: Process Reconciled Invoices or Approve Flagged Invoices)


Q: I’ve scanned a new Supplier’s Invoice, why don't I see it in Purchase Plus?
A: There can be a number of reasons, we suggest contacting [help@marketboomer.com] with the invoice number and or attachment. The support team will help to resolve the issue regardless of the cause.


Q: What does OCR stand for?
A: OCR stands for Optical Character Recognition. It's a technology that recognizes text within a digital image.  In this case, the characters are transformed into the invoice data within Purchase Plus.


Q: Why can’t I map my own invoices?
A: Currently, the Purchase Plus team manages this process internally, but there are plans to extend this function to superusers in the future.


Q: Can I use a flatbed scanner?
A: While possible, flatbed scanners may yield inconsistent and inaccurate results. It is recommended to use a scanner with an automatic document feeder for better accuracy.