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Export a Transfers Journal | Purchase Plus Help Documents

Export a Transfers Journal

In this section, you will see how to export a Transfer Journal.

Written by The Customer Success Team
Updated over a week agoThe Customer Success Team

A Transfers Journal is a file containing Inventory Transfers between stock & expense locations.

The Transfers Journal Export is run per period, i.e. the period between stock takes - any transfers between a stock take being closed, until it's open again for the next stock take.

Note: The Transfers Journal Export is only available in SUN 4 format.

To run the Transfer Journals, navigate to [Settings] > [Accounts payable], click the [eyeball] icon of your accounts payable system then click [Transfers Journals].

  1. Click the [+Transfers Journal] button in the top left.

  2. In the pop-up, select in [Purchaser] your applicable department (all Departments is the whole organisation).

  3. Select your [Accounting Period].

  4. Click [Save].

Click the [+Transfers Journal] button in the top left.

In the pop-up, select in [Purchaser] your applicable department (all Departments is the whole organisation).

Select your [Accounting Period].

Click [Save].

Once complete, you will be able to open the file by clicking on the blue [Content] link.

The resulting .TXT file will look as below.

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