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Enabling/Disabling a column in PurchasePlus and changing it's position. | Purchase Plus Help Documents

Enabling/Disabling a column in PurchasePlus and changing it's position.

Find out how to add or remove columns when looking at tables.

Written by The Customer Success Team
Updated over a week agoThe Customer Success Team

PurchasePlus has columns that were enabled/disabled by default. However, this article will show you on how to change this based on your needs.

Just hover your mouse pointer in the boundary of the columns, and you will see a dropdown box with options on what are the columns for the documents or section you want to update and select/select the box you are looking to update. Once done, just click anywhere within PurchasePlus and you will see that only your selected columns will be shown.

You may also change the positions of the columns the way how you want it for your account.

You just need to click and hold the column header of the column you want to move. Then you just drag and drop to the position you want.

You can then resize any columns by dragging and expanding the the sides or by double-clicking on the edges of the column it will auto expand based on the content.

Please note that this will only take effect in your PurchasePlus account.

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