Create a Requisition from a Requisition, Purchase Order or Invoice. | Purchase Plus Help Documents

In this section we will show you how to copy a Requisition.

Written by The Customer Success Team

1. Go to [Documents] [Requisitions] and then click on the [+ Requisition] to bring up the form for a new Requisition.


2. From the [Use Products From] dropdown, select [Requisition] [Purchaser Order] or [Invoices]. From [* The List] dropdown, select or search for the document that you wish to copy/recreate.



3. Your new Requisition will then be created using all the products ordered from the selected document. You then only need to enter the [Quantities] of products and the Requisition can be sent.

Note - If copying an informal requisition, you will also need to enter the price and Supplier information.