Create a Direct Stock Transfer

In this section, we will show you how to create a Direct Stock Transfer

1. Select [Inventory] and then either select [Stock Locations] or [Expense Locations] click on the Location name you want to transfer from.


2. [+ New] -> [Stock Transfer]


3. In the pop-up window, select the [Destination] of the stock.


4. Enter the quantities of the stock you wish to transfer. 

If no stock take is open when goods are transferred, click [Complete]. The goods have now been moved on the system. 

Note - If a stock take is open when goods are transferred, and you want to include the transferred items in the Destination's stock take, click on [Complete.] However, if you do not want to include the transferred items in the stock take, select [Update]. This will leave the transfer in an 'Open' state and will need to be completed once the stock take has finished.