In this section we will show you how to create a Buy List and add Products to the List.
Written by The Customer Success Team
1. Go to [Catalogues] then [Buy Lists], and then click on [+ Buy List] located on the top left-hand corner.
2. In the 'New Buy List' pop up, complete the Name, choose the default Department and Account code and if you wish to put a custom sort on the Buy List, tick the Custom Sorted tick box. Then press [Save].
3. Your new empty Buy List will now appear in the Buy List section. Click on the [View] icon to open the Buy List.
Note - You can also import products using a PPID (Purchase Plus ID) for your products using the Buy List Import Template. PPIDs can be exported from a Self-Managed Catalogue or a Snapshot such as the 'Product Prices' Snapshot for Supplier's products or a 'Purchase Order Line Item' / Invoices Lines and Credit Note Lines' Snapshot.
Add Products to your Buy List.
4. Inside your Buy list, click on the green [+] button to add products to the List.
5. In the [Pick a Product] pop-up, there are a few ways to locate your product. It is strongly recommended that the 'Priced Only' checkbox is ticked, so you are only returning products priced by your Suppliers.
If you are unsure of which Supplier the product comes from, leave the 'Source Type' as Master Catalogue. Enter your search criteria, then press 'Enter' on your keyboard to initiate the search.
If you want to search for a Supplier’s catalogue, change the 'Source Type' to My Suppliers. In the 'Source' dropdown, select the Supplier you require. Enter your search criteria, then press 'Enter' on your keyboard to initiate the search.
If you are unsure of which Supplier the product comes from, leave the 'Source Type' as Master Catalogue. Enter your search criteria, then press 'Enter' on your keyboard to initiate the search.
If you want to search for a Supplier’s catalogue, change the 'Source Type' to My Suppliers. In the 'Source' dropdown, select the Supplier you require. Enter your search criteria, then press 'Enter' on your keyboard to initiate the search.
The 'Search Type' determines the criteria of how you want to search. You can select from Product Detail, Purchase Product Code or Supplier Product Code.
After the results appear from the above steps, add the appropriate products by clicking the [Hand Picker] icon.
Note - In the [Pick a Product] window, it will only show the top 25 results. If you can not see the selections that you are after, please add more search criteria in the field. Or move through the pages.
6. Once you are done adding your products, close the [Pick a Product] window, and you will see the products on your Buy List.
Note - You can delete products off the list by pressing the [Dustbin] icon.
7. You are able to specify which product can be bought from which Supplier by clicking on the [Cog] icon.
Deselect the Supplier(s) you do not want to buy the product from.
8. If you want to enable specific Suppliers on your Buy List, go to [Catalogue Supplier Choices] tab and tick only the ones you want to buy from.
Note - If no Suppliers are selected, all Suppliers are enabled.
9. If you would like to custom-sort your Buy List, click on the [Sort] button in the bottom left-hand corner.
10. This will take you to the drag and drop screen which will enable you to customise the order of your Buy List, which will reflect when you are viewing and creating a Requisition from this Buy List.
Note - If you do enable the Custom Sort functionality on your buy list, trying to sort by the description in the Requisition will sort it by the order of your custom sort, not alphabetically. If you want to sort your Buy List alphabetically, turn off the Custom Sort functionality by deselecting the 'Custom Sorted' checkbox and refreshing the page.