Copy a Catalogue | Purchase Plus Help Documents

In this section we will show you how to copy a Catalogue by exporting and re-importing.

Written by The Customer Success Team

Updated over a week ago by The Customer Success Team


1. In [Catalogues] [Supplier Catalogues] click on the [Export] icon of the catalogue you want to copy.


2. An export request will now have been opened. The 'State' will show as 'Open'. Wait a few seconds and refresh the page. The 'State' should now show as 'Complete'. You can now click on the [File Name] to download the CSV export of the Catalogue.


3. If necessary, update the Pricing in the Excel File before re-importing. To prepare the file for re-importing, clear the contents of all the columns except Column A (product_code,) Column I (pack_price_ex_tax,) Column J (tax_percentage) and Column Q (pp_product_id.) Now save the CSV file.


4. In [Catalogues] [Supplier Catalogues] click the green [+] icon to create a new Catalogue. Name it and click on the [Import] icon.


5. In the pop-up window, click on [Browse...] and select for the CSV file you just edited. Then click [Save].

If you want your import to be scheduled for a future date and time, input the date, hour and minute in the appropriate fields.

6. The file import has now started. The 'State' will show as 'Open'. Wait a few seconds and refresh the page. The State should now show as 'Complete'. You can also see any 'Import Errors' which may have occurred.

Your Catalogue has now been copied.