Approve Flagged Invoices in Bulk

Note: The Financial approver of the invoices can approve a bulk batch of invoices. This feature is only available to the Financial approver, all Operational Approvers are required to approve flagged invoices on a one-by-one basis.

To do this, please follow the below steps.

  1. From [Dashboard], go to [Documents] - [Invoices] - [Flagged Invoices].

  2. On the left, tick every invoice that is to be included in the bulk process, or if all invoices are to be processed, click the bulk check box up the top of the column to highlight all invoices.

  3. Click the yellow [Financially Approve] button down the bottom right-hand side of the screen to process the batch.

Note: Individual invoices are still able to be approved by clicking on the blue [Approve] button, as shown below.