Add a Buyer to my Supplier PurchasePlus account

In this section, we will show Suppliers how to add Buyers to their PurchasePlus account to create a trade relationship

To add a new Buyer to your PurchasePlus account, please follow the below steps.


1. Go to [Customers,] [My Customers,] click the green [+ My Purchaser] icon in the top left hand corner of PurchasePlus.

2. In the pop-up window, search for your new Buyer in the [Purchaser] drop-down. When the purchaser name appears, click on it.

The [Purchaser number] field can be left blank as it is not compulsory for all Suppliers, but is needed for Suppliers who trade via EDI/API. If you use customer numbers, enter it in this field.

Tick the [Enabled] checkbox. If you do not tick this checkbox, the Buyer will not be enabled on your account.

Click the [Save] button.


The Buyer has now been added to your PurchasePlus account, and you can commence trade!


Note - It is highly recommended to link your new buyer to one of your Catalogs, if applicable, to ensure they have full access to your current product/pricing/products & images. Please check out our Add a Buyer to a Catalogue article for steps to follow.