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Accounts Flow vs. Xtracta Explained for P+i | Purchase Plus Help Documents

Accounts Flow vs. Xtracta Explained for P+i

Understanding the different P+i Providers.

Written by The Customer Success Team
Updated over a week agoThe Customer Success Team

Invoices that come through to Purchase Plus via our Paperless Invoicing module can be read and transmitted by two different methods. These methods are either ePDF or Scanned Paper Invoice.

Invoices sent through in ePDF format will be able to be read electronically by Accounts Flow. You can tell the difference as you will be able to actually highlight and copy the text from an ePDF.

Scanned Paper Invoices will either be scanned invoices sent through as a PDF or a low quality ePDF and processed by Xtracta. These will not allow as many details to be read by the system and will give a summary of the totals. An invoice sent through as a Scanned Paper Invoice will result in only showing the "Taxable line total" & "Non-taxable line total" on the invoice, rather than including the individual lines.

Based on the limitations of the different Providers, Accounts Flow is used for ePDFs to provide accurate line-by-line invoices, whereas Xtracta is used for scanned paper invoices to provide just the totals.

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