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  2. For Purchasers
  3. Purchase Orders and Receiving

Send a Purchase Order

Learn how to mark a Purchase Order as Sent, and have it electronically sent to the Supplier.

SENT and NOT SENT Purchase Orders

Once a Requisition has been fully approved, a Purchase Order will be generated for each Supplier included in the Requisition. Each Purchase Order can then be sent to each Supplier.

'NOT SENT': A Purchase Order in a 'NOT SENT' state has been created from an Approved Requisition, but is yet to be sent to the Supplier. Multiple NOT SENT Purchase Orders for the same Supplier can be Consolidated, so that less individual Purchase Orders are sent to the Supplier. 

'SENT': A Purchase Order in a SENT state has been marked as Sent, and may or may not have been electronically sent to the Supplier. When marking a Purchase Order as Sent, a user may decide not to electronically send the Purchase Order to the Supplier. This may be because they have already phoned the order through, and don't wish to confuse the Supplier by sending a duplicate Order. A Purchase Order in a SENT state is ready to be Received and Invoiced. You can create one or more Goods Receiving Notes against it, and it can be matched to an Invoice. 

Marking a Singular Purchase Order as Sent

1. Access [Purchase Orders Not Yet Sent] from [Home Dashboard].

Access Purchase Orders Not Yet Sent from Home Dashboard

2. You will arrive at the All Purchase Orders table, and the [Not Sent] tab will be pre-selected. In the Send column of the table, you can click the [Send] icon on any Purchase Order you wish to mark as Sent.

Click Send icon on any Purchase Order you wish to mark as Sent

3. A window will appear, and here you can decide if you would like to also Send the Purchase Order Electronically to the Supplier by selecting or de-selecting the [Send Purchase Order Electronically] option. 

Click [Send] to confirm, and the Purchase Order will be marked as Sent.

Click Send to confirm, and the Purchase Order will be marked as Sent

4. The status of the Purchase Order has now been transitioned from 'NOT SENT' to 'SENT'. If the [Send Purchase Order Electronically] option was selected, the Electronic Send Event can now be viewed.

If the Send Purchase Order Electronically option was selected, the Electronic Send Event can now be viewed

Marking Purchase Orders as Sent (in Bulk)

1. Access [Purchase Orders] → [View All], and select the [Not Sent] tab.
View all Not Sent Purchase Orders
2. Select the Purchase Orders you wish to Mark as Sent, or select all Purchase Orders in the table.
Selecting multiple purchase Orders

3. Click [Send] and then confirm the action in the dialog box. The selected Purchase Orders will all be Marked as Sent.
Sending all selected Purchase Orders in bulk

Viewing Electronic Send Events

When a Purchase Order is electronically sent to a Supplier, the destination it is Sent to is configured specifically for that Supplier. The destination may be an email address, or an electronic destination such as an API Endpoint. Our PurchasePlus team works with Suppliers to correctly configure these destinations.  

1. To view all Purchase Orders in a 'SENT' state, go to [Purchase Orders] → [View All] and select the [Sent] tab. In the Send column of the table, you will notice that Send button is either Green or Orange, and a count of Send Events appears in a badge on the button.

The pattern for the button colour and badge count is explained below:

  • [Green with 0] = Purchase Order is marked as Sent, and the Purchase Order was not sent electronically to the Supplier.
  • [Green with 1 or Greater] = Purchase Order is marked as Sent, and the Purchase Order was sent electronically to the Supplier at least once, and all Send Events were successful.
  • [Yellow with 1 or Greater] = Purchase Order is marked as Sent, and the Purchase Order was sent electronically to the Supplier at least once, but one or more of the Send Events failed to send.

The pattern for the sent button colour and badge count, shows if the Purchase Order was marked as Sent and if it was electronically sent to the supplier

2. Click the [Send] button of a Purchase Order to view information about each Electronic Send Event.

Click the [Send] button of a Purchase Order to view information about each Electronic Send Event 

Creating Extra Electronic Send Events

Sometimes you may need to manually create an extra Electronic Send Event for a Purchase Order that has already been marked as Sent. 

1. Click the [Send] button of any Purchase Order in a 'SENT' state to open the Electronic Send Events window. Click the [New Send Event] button located in the lower left of the window.New Send Event2. In the window that appears, select a [Destination] and click [Send] to create the new Electronic Send Event. The newly created Send Event will now be listed when viewing all Electronic Send Events for the Purchase Order. 

New Send Event

Note: The Destination may be an email address, or an electronic destination such as a URL or API Endpoint. Our PurchasePlus team works closely with each Supplier to correctly configure their required Destinations.