Learn how to view and manage your Suppliers on PurchasePlus.
If using PurchasePlus as a Purchasing Organization user, you can view and manage the Suppliers that you are connected to.
Access your Suppliers
1. Select [Suppliers] → [My Suppliers] from the side navigation bar.
2. Complete the following actions, as required:
a. Filter Suppliers by [View All], [Enabled] or [Disabled].
b. Use [Advanced Search] or [Search by Supplier Name or Number].
c. View Supplier Information.
d. [Enable] or [Disable] your relationship with each Supplier. See our help article Enable/Disable a Supplier to learn more.
Edit General Supplier Settings
1. Click [Supplier Name] to open the settings for the Supplier.
2. Under [General] tab, you are able to edit the following settings:
a. [Enable/Disable] your relationship with the Supplier. You can only trade with Supplier when you have an Enabled relationship.
b. Edit [Supplier Number], if required.
c. Edit [Supplier Location Code], if required.
d. Edit [Key Contact Person] information.
e. Add [Default Department and Account Code]. This will automatically pre-fill the Department and Account Code combination, when creating a Single Supplier Requisition for this Supplier.
f. Add [Default Category and Sub-Category]. This is used as a quick way to assign a Category and Sub-Category to any Invoice Line Item products that are created for this Supplier. This field is also used in some Reports.
g. Enter [Payment Terms]. Payment Terms are any notes that you wish to store here related to your agreement with this Supplier. This field is for note taking purposes only.
h. Select [Preferred Supplier Tag], Users at your Organization will see that the Supplier has been tagged as Preferred Supplier when they are viewing this Supplier or browsing products and quotes from this Supplier when creating a Requisition.
i. Enable [External Shopping]. Some Suppliers offer the ability to create a Requisition by visiting their own e-Commerce website and using the site to populate your Requisition in PurchasePlus. This is sometimes referred to as 'Punchout' in the world of procurement. Please speak with our friendly Customer Support Team if you need assistance configuring External Shopping.
View Destinations for Suppliers
Here you can view the Destinations that can be used by your Organization when sending Purchase Orders electronically to this Supplier. If the Supplier is a Self-Managed Supplier owned by your Organization, you can create as many Destinations here as needed, but only one can be set as the Default Destination. The Default Destination will be used when Sending a Purchase Order electronically to the Supplier.
1. Select [Destinations] tab.
View Supplier Catalogs
See our help article View Supplier Catalogs to learn more.
1. Select [Catalogs] tab. The Catalogs tab shows all the Catalogs that apply to your relationship with this Supplier.
2. Click [Catalog] to view Products & Prices inside the catalog.
View Supplier Purchase Orders
1. Select [Purchase Orders] tab.
2. Complete the following actions, as required:
a. [Search Purchase Orders].
b. Click [Purchase Order] to view it.
c. Click [Requisition] to view related Requisition.
d. Click [GR Notes] to view Goods Receiving Notes, or create another GR Note.
e. Click [Invoices] to view related Invoices, or match another Invoice.
f. Click [Send] to view send details, or to send Purchase Order to Supplier.
g. Click [More Options] → [View Purchase Order] → [Print] → [Open in Legacy P+] → [Get Help].
View Supplier Invoices
1. Select [Invoices] tab.
2. Complete the following actions, as required:
a. [Search Invoices].
b. Click [Invoice Number] to view.
c. Click [Reference] or [Expense Account] to edit information.
d. Click [Purchase Order] to view.
e. Click [Status] to view Invoice Status and Approvers.
f. Click [GR Notes] to view Goods Receiving Notes, or create another GR Note.
g. Click [PDF Copy] to view PDF of Invoice, if available.
h. Click [More Options] → [View Invoice] → [Print] → [Open in Legacy P+] → [Get Help].
Frequently asked questions
Question: Can I change the name of a self-managed supplier myself, or do I need to raise a request with the PurchasePlus admin team?
Answer: Yes, you have full administrative access to update the names of self-managed suppliers.
To make the change:
- Navigate to Suppliers in the left-hand menu.
- Select General.
- Update the supplier's name as needed.
No request to the PurchasePlus admin team is required for this action.