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  2. For Purchasers
  3. Purchase Orders and Receiving

View Receiving Notes

Learn how to find, view and cancel Receiving Notes.

A Receiving Note is created against a Purchase Order to mark a specific quantity of each item on the Purchase Order as physically Received. This is an important step for Organizations who wish to understand if items on a Purchase Order have been received in full, when comparing an Invoice to a Purchase Order. A Purchase Order can have multiple Receiving Notes created against it, as not all products on the Purchase Order may be physically delivered at the same time.

Viewing All Receiving Notes

1. Select [Purchase Orders] → [Receiving Notes] from the side navigation bar. A table of All Receiving Notes will appear. The table includes Receiving Notes in both a 'DRAFT' and 'RECEIVED' state.

  • A 'DRAFT' Receiving Note has been created but not yet been finalized (marked as Received). You can resume a DRAFT Receiving Note by clicking into it.
  • A 'RECEIVED' Receiving Note has been finalized and can no longer be modified. The received quantity of each item on the Receiving Note is now used by the Purchase Order to indicate the Received state of each line on the Purchase Order.

View all Receiving Notes2. Click [Receiving Note] in a 'RECEIVED' state, to view the quantity recorded as Received for each item. When a Receiving Note is created, it contains the same items that appear on the Purchase Order it was created against.

3.  Complete the following actions as required:

a. View Product Line Details

b. View Ordered Quantity vs. Received Quantity 

c. Access [Advanced] Settings to:

      • View Quantity Summary,

      • View Linked Invoice Lines,

      • View Receiving Unit Price / Override Unit Price,

      • View line item Comment, 

      • View Product Expiry Date,

      • View Vehicle Temperature,

      • View Product Temperature.

d. View line item Unit Price and Totals.

e. View Purchase Order Total vs. Receiving Total values.

f. [Show or hide details] of Receiving Note.

g. [Print] Receiving Note.

h. [More Options] → [View Audit Log] → [Open in Legacy P+] → [Cancel Receiving Note] → [Get Help].

i. Open associated [Purchase Order].

j. View [Settings].

k. [Manage Columns].Review Receiving Notes

Viewing Receiving Notes for a Specific Purchase Order

1. Select [Purchase Orders] → [View All] from the side navigation bar.

2. Click the [Number] button in the GR Notes Column. A list of the Receiving Notes that have been created against the Purchase Order will be shown in a window.

3. Click on an individual [Receiving Note] to open it.

View Specific Receiving Note4. Alternatively, open the Purchase Order, and select [Receiving Notes] tab within the Purchase Order. 

5. Then, click on an individual [Receiving Note] to open it.View Receiving Note within Purchase Order

Cancel a Receiving Note

You can cancel a 'DRAFT' and 'RECEIVED' Receiving Note. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.

1. Select [Purchase Orders] → [Receiving Notes] from the side navigation bar.

2. Click [Receiving Note] you would like to cancel.

Open Receiving Note to Cancel3. Select [More Options] → [Cancel Receiving Note] from the top right corner.

Select Cancel Receiving Note4. Click [Cancel], to confirm cancellation.

Confirm cancellation of Receiving Note5. In addition, a Receiving Note in 'DRAFT' can also be cancelled from the Receiving Note overview page. Select [Purchase Orders] → [Receiving Notes] from the side navigation bar.

6. Find Receiving Note in 'DRAFT' you would like to cancel, then click [More] → [Cancel Receiving Note].

Cancel Draft Receiving Note