Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

New Purchase Plus

What makes the new PurchasePlus platform different? The new PurchasePlus platform brings a revolution in procurement with its user-friendly design, clear and intuitive interface, and mobile optimization. It's designed to make procurement processes simpler, faster, and more enjoyable, ultimately saving time and reducing costs.

Can I access the platform on my mobile device? Yes, the new PurchasePlus platform is fully optimized for mobile use, allowing you to manage your procurement tasks anytime, anywhere with ease.

Will there be updates to the platform after the launch? Absolutely. We are committed to continuous improvement and innovation. New features are released very regularly, and you can read about the latest updates here:


How can I join the training sessions? You can join the training sessions by selecting a time that suits your schedule from the available sessions. Simply click on the "Register for Training Sessions" link provided in the email to secure your spot.

What will the training sessions cover? The training sessions are designed to introduce you to the new features and functionalities of the PurchasePlus platform. The first session focuses on streamlining your buying process, while the second session is dedicated to simplifying your invoicing process for better financial control. Each session lasts approximately 1 hour, followed by a FAQ segment.

What if I cannot attend the scheduled training sessions? If you're unable to attend the scheduled training sessions, please contact us at We'll make arrangements to provide you with the necessary training materials and support to get you up to speed.

Is there a cost to attend the training sessions? No, the training sessions are completely free for all PurchasePlus users. It's part of our commitment to ensuring a smooth transition and enhancing your procurement process.

Can I reschedule one of the training sessions to a different time? Unfortunately, the schedules for the training sessions are fixed, and adjustments cannot be made. We encourage you to choose from over 30 available sessions to find one that fits your schedule best.

Am I allowed to attend more than one session? Certainly! We welcome your enthusiasm for learning. If you feel the need for additional training, you are free to attend multiple sessions to reinforce your understanding.

What is the maximum capacity for each training session? Our training sessions are hosted on Teams, allowing us to accommodate up to 300 participants per session. This ensures that we can offer comprehensive support and interaction during each training.

Are there any supplementary materials or resources available for training? Yes, indeed. To complement our training sessions, we provide a comprehensive knowledge base that includes guides and instructional videos. You can access these resources here. They are designed to enhance your learning experience and provide you with additional support as you familiarize yourself with the new platform.

Extra Support

Who can I contact if I have more questions? For any additional questions or support, please don't hesitate to contact our support team at We're here to help you transition smoothly to the new PurchasePlus platform.