Create a Self Managed Supplier

Learn how to Create a New Self Managed Supplier in PurchasePlus.

A Supplier in PurchasePlus can be:

  • A Registered Supplier, meaning that the Supplier has an account in PurchasePlus, and users at that Organization sign in to our system to maintain their ProductsCatalogs and more. 
  • A Self Managed Supplier, meaning that your Purchasing Organization ‘owns’ the Supplier entity in our system. It has been created by a user at your Organization, and all Products and Catalogs assigned to this Supplier are also owned by your Organization. Employees of this Supplier will never know that their 'Supplier' Organization exists in PurchasePlus, and they cannot sign in to our system.

Please read our article Introduction to Suppliers for more information about Suppliers in PurchasePlus.

How to Create a Self Managed Supplier

  1. Prior to creating a new Self Managed Supplier, please search the Supplier Directory to see if the Supplier is already a Registered Supplier in PurchasePlus, and if they do, then connect to the Supplier. If you intend to fully-manage the Supplier's Catalogs on their behalf, then don't worry - Purchasers can create and assign Self Managed Products and Self Managed Catalogs to a Registered Supplier, and they will never be able to view, edit or delete them.

Searching for a Registered Supplier

2. If the Supplier you are interested in does not have a Registered Supplier account, click [Suppliers] → [My Suppliers] in the side navigation menu, and then click the [Create a New Self Managed Supplier] button.

My Suppliers view in PurchasePlus

3. Complete the simple form and click [Create Supplier].

Create a New Self Managed Supplier

4. After the Self Managed Supplier is initially created, you will be taken to their new Profile. Here you can add lots of detail to complete the Supplier’s profile - for example, you can ensure that your Purchase Orders are sent to the right Destination, and automatically coded to the correct default Department and Account Code at your Organization.
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The new Self Managed Supplier will now appear in your [My Suppliers] area, and they are ready for you to assign Catalogs to the Supplier via your Trade Relationship, and begin adding their Products to your Requisitions.