Create a Requisition from Re-Order

Learn how to create a Requisition from a previous Requisition, Purchase Order or Invoice.

The 'Re-Order' Requisition type provides you with the option to re-order items from an existing Requisition, Purchase Order or Invoice.

1. You can create a Requisition from multiple locations in PurchasePlus.

a. Click [Requisitions] → [New Requisition] from the side navigation bar.

b. Click [Start Shopping] from the Home Dashboard.

c. Click [Purchase Orders] → [New Purchase Order] from the side navigation bar. This will redirect you to a new Requisition.

Create a Requisition2. You will arrive at the Create New Purchase Requisition form.

a. Enter a [Reference] to briefly describe the Requisition.

b. Select [Re-Order] in the Requisition Type section, this will cause more options to appear.

c. Select the [Document Type] and [Document Number] you would like to Re-Order.

Select Re-Order Requisition Type

d. Complete all other fields in the Requisition form as required.

e. Click [Create Requisition].

Complete all Requisition fields

The exact Products and Quantities will appear as per the Document you selected, and the original Price and Tax percentage from the Document is also being used. You can however check the Quotes button on each item to inspect any other Quotes that may be available.

3. Complete your Requisition in 'Basic Shopping' mode or 'Advanced Shopping' mode.

Complete Re-Order Requisition

  • Basic Shopping provides a familiar online shopping experience for users. You can view and select products in a Tile or List View, with each Supplier quote appearing as a separate item. Review your selected products in the Shopping Cart before submitting the Requisition. See our Basic Shopping article to learn more.
  • Advanced Shopping provides a powerful way to view and compare prices from your Suppliers and quickly select a Supplier quote. It is suited to experienced users of PurchasePlus. See our Advanced Shopping article to learn more.