Unmatch a Purchase Order from an Invoice

Learn how how to Unmatch a Purchase Order from an invoice.

Note: The process of Unmatching a Purchase Order from an Invoice is only available in the New PurchasePlus. To execute this action, the invoice must be in either an 'OPEN' or 'FLAGGED' status to allow Unmatching of the Purchase Order.


Ensure that all line items between the two documents are unlinked before initiating the unmatching process. Refer to the 'Unlinking Invoice Line Item from a PO Line Item' for guidance.


The steps on how to carry this out are as follows:

  1. Navigate to 'Invoices' and select 'View All.' Proceed to search for the specific invoice number.


  2. Upon locating the invoice, click on the invoice number to access comprehensive invoice details.



  3. Once inside the invoice, navigate to the 'Purchase Order' tab.



  4. Identify and click on the three vertical dots located on the far right side of the PO. From the options displayed, select 'Remove Match.'


    The PO is now successfully unmatched from the invoice.