Supplier-Owned vs Marketboomer-Owned Products

Product Ownership is an important concept that controls who can manage products in our system.

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Who is Marketboomer?

Marketboomer is the company behind the software called PurchasePlus. We exist to help our customers and their suppliers to connect and create valuable, efficient, reliable trading relationships.

Marketboomer-Owned Products

The majority of Products in the PurchasePlus platform are 'owned' by us.

MB owned product

This means that the PurchasePlus Catalog team created these as (Formal) Master Products, and have made them available in Marketboomer's Master Product database.

Master Products have no price or tax component of their own, and they can can be added to every Supplier's Catalog(s), where the Supplier can then add their own bespoke price, tax and other product details to the product. This is one way that our team can rapidly onboard new Suppliers into our platform.

When a Purchaser is shopping for a Master Product, they will see quotes from any Supplier that (a) has this Product in their Catalog and (b) is connected with the Purchaser, and (c) has assigned the Catalog to the Purchaser.

Importantly, no Supplier can see any of their competitors' pricing in our platform, even if they are both quoting on the same Master Product.

Supplier-Owned Products

When you click [Create a New Product] in our software, the resulting Products will have your Organisation set as the 'Owner' of this product.


Supplier-owned Product

If your Organisation 'owns' a product, you can:

  • Update the Product's details,
  • Add the Product to a Catalog and update the Price of the Product,
  • Set the Price for the Product in the Catalog,
  • Assign the Catalog to a Trade Relationship with a Purchaser and make the Products contained within available to the Purchaser in their Requisitions.
  • Request that it be verified and matched to a Master Product by the PurchasePlus team, so that your Product (and quotes) can be considered by Purchasers that are shopping for the matched Master Product.

Products Owned by your Organisation cannot be edited by any other Organisation, nor can they be added to any other Supplier's Catalogs.

Purchaser-owned Products

Purchaser-owned Products have been created by a Purchaser Organisation, and have an ownerID that matches the organizationID of a Purchaser. They cannot be viewed, edited or added to a Catalog by any Supplier.


Additional Support

Our Supplier Relations team is available for additional support anytime at