Guide to Invoice Flag Thresholds

This article provides a comprehensive explanation of Invoice Flag Thresholds, including their purpose and step-by-step instructions on how to configure them.

Understanding Invoice Flag Thresholds

Some of the Flags available for Invoices in PurchasePlus are further customizable using Thresholds. Thresholds allow Invoices with minor discrepancies to not trigger a specific Flag, assisting to progress Invoices to the Reconciled state with less human intervention. 

Thresholds can be applied to the following Invoice Flags, and are applied along with the Flag, provided that particular Flag has been turned on for your Organisation.

  • Invoice Line Unit Price Flag

  • Invoice Line Ordered Quantity Flag

  • Invoice Line Received Quantity Flag

  • Invoice Total Out of Balance Flag

For an in-depth understanding of Invoice Flags, please see our Guide to Invoice Flags. article. It is required pre-reading in order to understand Flag Thresholds.

Access Invoice Threshold Settings

1. This functionality is currently only available to specialist PurchasePlus team members. Please contact our friendly customer support team if you would like to have any changes made to your Invoice Flag Thresholds.

Access Invoicing Settings in Admin Center

Configure Invoice Thresholds

1. Line Unit Price Flag Threshold 

This Threshold controls the tolerance level for the Invoice Line Unit Price Flag. If this Flag has been turned on for your Organisation, then the Flag will only be raised when the difference between the Invoice Line Unit Price and the Linked Purchase Order Line Unit Price exceeds the Threshold set.

  • [Amount Threshold]: An absolute value to be used as the tolerance.
  • [Percentage Threshold]: A percentage of the Invoice Line Unit Price to be used as the tolerance.

2. Invoice Line Ordered and Received Quantity Flag Threshold

This Threshold controls the tolerance level when comparing the Invoice Line Quantity against the Ordered and Received quantities of the Linked Purchase Order Line. This threshold applies to both the Invoice Line Ordered Quantity Flag and the Invoice Line Received Quantity Flag. If the Invoice Line Ordered Quantity Flag has been turned on for your Organization, the Flag will only be raised when the difference between the Invoice Line Quantity and the Linked Purchase Order Line Quantity, exceeds the Threshold set. If the Invoice Line Received Quantity Flag has been turned on for your Organization, the Flag will only be raised when the difference between the Invoice Line Quantity and the Received Quantity of the Linked Purchase Order Line, exceeds the Threshold set. The Received Quantity of the Linked Purchase Order Line is determined from the sum of all Goods Receiving Notes belonging to the Purchase Order. 

  • [Amount Threshold]: An absolute value to be used as the tolerance.
  • [Percentage Threshold]: A percentage of the Invoice Line Quantity to be used as the tolerance.

3. Invoice Total Out of Balance Flag Threshold

This Threshold controls the tolerance level for the Invoice Total Out of Balance Flag. If this Flag has been turned on for your Organization, then the Flag will only be raised when the difference between the Invoice Total and the sum of the Invoice parts exceeds the Threshold set.

  • [Amount Threshold]: An absolute value to be used as the tolerance.
  • [Percentage Threshold]: A percentage of the Invoice Total to be used as the tolerance.

Set a Strict or Lenient Preference for each Threshold

You can also choose between a [Lenient] or [Strict] approach for each threshold: 

    • Lenient means that the largest absolute number available from the Amount and the Percentage methods, will be used as the Threshold.

    • Strict means that the smallest absolute number available from the Amount and Percentage methods, will be used as the Threshold.

Configure Invoice Threshold Settings

Important Notes

The Invoice Threshold you are setting is specific to the Organization node that you are currently setting it for.

Thresholds apply hierarchically. If a specific Threshold has not been set on an Organization, it will be adopted from the settings of the direct parent Organization, or the next closest ancestor Organization where a Threshold has been set.