Create an Opening Balance Transfer via CSV Import

Learn how to populate your Stock Locations by importing your Stock Items in bulk.

What is an Opening Balance Transfer?

Initially populating your Stock Locations with Stock Items for the very first time can be done completing an Opening Balance Transfer. 

Opening Balance Transfers have three very important attributes:

  1. An Origin, which is an Opening Balance System Location,
  2. A Destination, which is a Stock Location, and
  3. One or more Stock Items, which must have a Quantity and Unit Value.

Defining all the Stock Items to be included in an Opening Balance Transfer can be a daunting task - especially if you have a large Inventory! You can add Stock Items to the Transfer: 

  • Manually, by adding Stock Items to the Transfer individually, or
  • Automatically, by uploading a CSV with the Stock Items, Quantities, and Unit Values to the Transfer.

This article will focus on the latter: automatically populating the Stock Location with Stock Items, via CSV import. 

How to Create an Opening Balance Transfer by CSV Import

Navigate to [Inventory] → [Transfers] and click [Create New Transfer]:

Create New Transfer from All Transfers view in PurchasePlus

Complete the form, making sure to specify that the Transfer is an Opening Balance Transfer. Please note that the Origin Location drop down options will be limited to your System Locations that are 'Opening Balance' Location Types. The Destination Location drop down options will be limited to your Stock Locations.

Create an Opening Balance Transfer form

Once you have created the Transfer, you will be able to add Stock Items either manually one-by-one, or by clicking [Import Transfer Items]

Import Transfer Items button

In the resulting modal, either drag and drop your CSV or click the upload field to search your files for the CSV:

Stock Item Import by CSV for Opening Balance Transfer

Confirm the Upload, and then the Import function can begin. However, it is important to note that your CSV must meet strict criteria for the Import function to work correctly.

CSV Import Criteria

You only need 3 columns in your CSV. If these columns are in the wrong order, it will not matter, but the Column Headers must be spelled exactly as they are defined below:

  • Column A Heading: “Product Id”. All Product ID's in this column must match the P+ Product ID (also known as the PPID) exactly. 
  • Column B Heading: “Quantity”. This should be the quantity of the PPID, taking note of the Unit Information.
  • Column C: “Unit Value”. This should be the Unit Value (in your Organization's Currency) of a single Unit of the Product.

Validation Rules

  • If there are greater than 1000 rows, we cannot process the CSV, but instead the system will return an error.
  • If any cell in any row is empty, we will not process the CSV and instead the system will return an error. If any row has a 0 in the Quantity or Unit Value cell, we will accept this.
  • For the Product ID, the following rules apply, otherwise an error will be returned:
    • The Product Id MUST already be a Stock Item and it must be owned by your Current Legal Entity - that is, either the Organization you are signed into, or the nearest Organization ABOVE yours in the hierarchy that is a Legal Entity. You can check your Current Legal Entity by clicking [About] → [Organization Details] → [Legal Entity].
    • The Product cannot be a Master Product.
    • The Sell Pack Quantity of the Product must be 1 or null.

How do I start using the Inventory Module?

If your Organization would like to begin using the PurchasePlus Inventory module, please contact your Account Manager or our friendly Customer Success Team for assistance with enabling the module, and to organize training for your users.

Note for Purchasers using Legacy PurchasePlus

The Inventory module in New PurchasePlus has been redesigned, and is materially different to the Legacy PurchasePlus Inventory module. Organizations migrating from our Legacy PurchasePlus platform to our New PurchasePlus platform will be given additional migration support.