Create an External Requisition

Learn how to create an External Requisition.

What is an External Requisition?

An External Requisition allows you to create a Requisition by shopping a Supplier's external e-commerce website. You will be able to use the full functionality of the Supplier's website to order your goods. Once you've completed shopping on the Supplier's website, you will be redirected back to PurchasePlus, and the products, prices and quantities you selected are automatically populated for you on the Requisition in PurchasePlus. This functionality is sometimes referred to as a 'Punchout'.

Only some Suppliers offer External Requisition functionality, so please speak with an Administrator at your Organization, or contact our friendly Customer Success team if you require assistance. 

Creating an External Requisition

1. You can create a Requisition from multiple locations in PurchasePlus.

a. Click [Requisitions] → [New Requisition] from the side navigation bar.

b. Click [Start Shopping] from the Home Dashboard.

c. Click [Purchase Orders] → [New Purchase Order] from the side navigation bar. This will redirect you to a new Requisition.

Create a Requisition2. You will arrive at the Create New Purchase Requisition form.

a. Enter a [Reference] to briefly describe the Requisition.

b. Select [External Requisition] in the Requisition Type section, this will cause more options to appear.

c. Select the Supplier of your choice from the Supplier dropdown menu. Note - Only Suppliers that offer an External Requisition connection to you will be listed. 

Select External Requisition

d. Complete all other fields in the Requisition form as required.

e. Click [Create Requisition], then click [Continue to External Site] in the pop-up.

Complete all Requisition fields3. Your Supplier website will then automatically open. Order as you normally would, searching the desired items, adding them to your basket and when finished, finalizing your Order. Submit your Order on the website.

Winc External Requisition4. A window will open, prompting you to confirm your return to PurchasePlus. This will take you back to PurchasePlus. 

Confirm your Return to PurchasePlus5. Complete your Requisition, by reviewing your selected Products and adjusting any Settings of the Requisition. When ready, click [Submit Requisition] for approval.