Best Practices for Creating an Invoice

This document is designed to guide Suppliers create Invoices that are processed quickly and accurately by PurchasePlus (on behalf of their Purchasers), enabling prompt payment.

Data Points for Invoices

1. Purchase Order (PO)

  • Valid Input:
    Any alphanumerical character string. However, we highly recommend using numeric-only values. Purchase order numbers generated by PurchasePlus follow the convention PO:000000 and increase sequentially (e.g., 000001, 000002, etc.)
  • Sample: PO:000345
  • Explanation:
    Including a Purchase Order is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED as it facilitates automatic matching of invoices to Purchase Orders within the system, ensuring a more efficient and accurate process.

2. Document Type

  • Valid Input:
    "Invoice" 0R "INV: OR "Tax Invoice."
    "Credit Note" "CR Note"
  • Sample: INV-123456
  • Explanation:
    This field is MANDATORY to assist with document classification and sorting, which is essential for accurate processing and record-keeping. An invoice will not be processed without this information. 

3. Invoice Number

  • Valid Input:
    Any alphanumerical character string. While any format is allowed, we highly recommend using numeric-only values.
  • Sample: INV-123456
  • Explanation:
    This field is MANDATORY for processing and payment. Duplicate invoice numbers will be automatically flagged and rejected by the system to prevent errors. Note: You may reuse invoice numbers across different purchasers, but never for the same purchaser. An invoice will not be processed without this information. 

4. Your Business Name, Address, Phone Number, and Email

  • Valid Input:
    Any alphanumerical character string.
  • Sample:
    Supplier Name: Fresh Produce Co.
    Address: 123 Orchard Lane, Sydney, NSW 2000
    Phone: +61 2 9876 5432
    ABN: 12 345 678 910
  • Explanation:
    Providing accurate business details is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for validation purposes and to ensure that invoices are processed against the correct accounts.

5. Tax or Business Registration Numbers

  • Valid Input:
    A valid numerical business registration number (e.g., ABN in Australia).
  • Sample: ABN: 12 345 678 910
  • Explanation:
    This field is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for business identification and compliance purposes. It helps validate the legitimacy of the business. In many countries like Australia it is a legal requirement to include this information for any charge over $82.50. Invoices without this information will be delayed while the business is verified. 

6. Purchaser details

  • Valid Input: 
    Full name, business name (if applicable), and address.
  • Sample:

    Name: HotelPlus Sydney
    Address: 456 Harbour Drive, Sydney, NSW 2000

  • Explanation:
    This field is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED as it assists in attributing the Invoice to the correct Purchaser.

7. Purchaser's dedicated invoicing email address

  • Valid Input:
    Each Purchaser is assigned a unique email address for invoices in the format <> 
  • Sample:

    Purchaser Email:

  • Explanation:
    This field is MANDATORY for programmatically identifying the purchasing entity. While the email address does not need to appear on the invoice, all invoices must be sent to this inbox. An invoice will not be processed without it being sent to the Purchaser's unique invoicing email address.

8. Invoice Date

  • Valid Input: DD/MM/YYYY
  • Sample: 10/01/2025
  • Explanation:
    This field is MANDATORY for programmatically validating the invoice. The date must not be in the future and will flag a warning if it is too far in the past. An invoice will not be processed without this information.

9. Due Date

  • Valid Input: DD/MM/YYYY
  • Sample: Due Date: 24/01/2025
  • Explanation:
    This field is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED and used by the Purchaser's Accounts Payable team when scheduling payment. 

10. Invoice Line data 

  • Your supplier product code 
    • Valid Input: alpha numerical string 
    • Sample: 563732
    • Explanation: This field is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED as this information is used to reconcile what was ordered to what was delivered. 

  • Description 
    • Valid Input: alpha string 
    • Sample: Apple Red Delicious
    • Explanation: This field is MANDATORY as it provides details about the product delivered. An invoice will not be processed without this information.

  • Quantity 
    • Valid Input: numerical string  
    • Sample: 10
    • Explanation:
      • If the item was ordered but not fulfilled, it is preferred that you do not include it on the invoice. If you do include on the Invoice it must be designated with a quantity of "0" zero and a total line value of "$0" to ensure correct processing. 
      • This field is MANDATORY as it specifies the quantity of items supplied.
      • An invoice will not be processed without this information or if the quantity does not reconcile with the unit price.

  • Unit price Ex GST
    • Valid Input: numerical string  
    • Explanation:  This field is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED as it calculates the line total on the invoice. If you provide the amounts GST inclusive it is essential that you include the GST rates applied so that we can backwards calculate the Ex GST price to upload into the accounts payable systems. 

  • Tax (if applicable)
    • Valid Input:
      • The GST rate as a percentage (e.g., 10%).
      • The GST amount as a currency value (e.g., $2.00).
      • A consistent identifier applied to taxable items (e.g., an asterisk * to denote GST applicability).
    • Explanation:
      This field is MANDATORY as it determines the total tax amount on the invoice. Best practice is to show both GST % and $ amount. An invoice will not be processed without at least one of the above data points.

  • Total Tax (if applicable)
    • Valid Input:
      A numeric value in currency format (e.g., $200.00).
    • Explanation:
      This field is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED as it ensures the invoice total reconciles with the individual line items. Where the invoice contains both GST free GST items in a single document it is a legal requirement to include the tax breakdown at the line level in many countries including Australia. If only the ex-GST total is provided, clear GST details must be included.

11. Ensure Total Amounts Are Accurate

  • Display a breakdown of the total cost:
    • Each line on the Invoice must have a total 
    • The sum of the line tax and cost totals must reconcile with the Invoice tax and cost total 
    • Any delivery fees must be included as a separate line in the invoice totals.
    • If you are charging in a currency that is NOT the currency in which the buyer is operating the currency must be included in the invoice total. For example SGD in Australia, or USD in Singapore. 

12. Format for Professionalism

  • Use a clean, legible font and organised layout.
  • Include your company logo for branding.
  • Provide the invoice in PDF, or E-PDF format 
  • Do not include images into the document 




[Your Company Logo]
Supplier Name: Fresh Produce Co.
Address: 123 Orchard Lane, Sydney, NSW 2000
Phone: +61 2 9876 5432
ABN: 12 345 678 910


Invoice Number: INV-123456
Invoice Date: 10/01/2025
Due Date: 24/01/2025
Document Type: Tax Invoice
Purchase Order (PO): PO:000345

Buyer Details:
Name: HotelPlus Sydney
Address: 456 Harbour Drive, Sydney, NSW 2000

Product Line Data

Product Code Description Quantity Unit Price (Ex GST) Line Total (Ex GST) GST (10%) GST Amount (AUD) Line Total (Inc GST)
563732 Apple Red Delicious 10 $3.00 $30.00 10% $3.00 $33.00
874321 Banana Cavendish 20 $2.50 $50.00 10% $5.00 $55.00
452091 Orange Valencia 15 $4.00 $60.00 10% $6.00 $66.00

Subtotal (Ex GST): $90.00
GST (10%): $14.00
Total (Inc GST): $104.00

Additional Notes

  • Please make payment via bank transfer to the following account:
    Bank Name: ANZ Bank
    Account Name: Fresh Produce Co.
    BSB: 012-345
    Account Number: 678901234
  • For any queries, please contact us at